
Why Grand Momentum will shock

The relationship between meditation and the Grand Momentum to the text Grand Momentum changes and physiological responses of various phenomena in general as described. But many people who sit repair River, and Grand Momentum physiological response is not uniform.

Since both are personal, are both sit-ins, is not due to start the methods, the reaction gas machine will have different effects? This month in terms of two aspects:

(A) in terms of regular meditation and monasticism, except by "any" "Doc" Pulse response behave outside, it is no other way.

(B) by the physical strength, disease, or age and sex in terms of a variety of factors, Grand Momentum and physiological responses, also mixed.

As a result of the approach with the difference in the reaction of the other, although some relationship, but not the main reason. For example:

(A) Many people who study and meditation, the body vibration phenomenon often occurs, even from within the body into shock and the beating of the limbs, or will naturally do a lot of different positions, like tai chi class action.

General importance in the eyes of the mysterious concept, that it is the magical mysterious and magical things. The past, some special study "to fight the Boxers" who is this phenomenon from the start. The history of the so-called "Boxer" and "Boxer", and even turned some people practice "cloud somersault" efforts, this phenomenon is caused by errors from the wrong people have the consequences.

In fact, this is a "mysterious" it? Not. This effect, half psychological mischief, half of the relationship between physical and physiological relationship, or be implied from self psychology. The reason it happened is because of meditation, carefully pressing too much, thus causing nervous tension.

By the nervous tension, reflected in the role of the unconscious, it makes the body within the nerves and muscles, an initial reaction to shake heavily, with this response then, unconscious self-declare, then automatically enter the self-hypnotic state, it will be promote nerve shock.

Because the unconscious self played a role in suggesting, it is easy to make the limbs and the entire body, similar to a regular issue of all the action. But in general, and with this phenomenon after the 100 number can not understand why, or under the influence of fatigue after shaking, afraid of "fire Huomo 'give up the sit-in or monasticism.

Some people are considered to be "magic", the music of this tireless, self-enlightenment that has been the foundation. Few people can in this case, food for thought this is because the mentality of the relationship between self-suggestion, so to promote the effect caused by nervous.

And because the occurrence of body movement; contrary to the early gas; not enter "any" "Doc" Pulse of the real track, but only popular among the smooth muscle and veins.

If the purpose of granting learn to sit in the East only cardiac fitness, or expect to be immune to such as martial arts "Internal Strength" category of work, and that can go on by it. Would help if his intention, it will need to be quiet inner self, suggesting that neuromuscular relaxation, so be "higher level" to another set into the realm of static.

(B) some people have suffered more because of the body to learn meditation, such as lung, stomach, liver, kidney, or a variety of such a neurological condition. When he was in the process of meditation, the body most likely to feel the air machine, roll each part of the phenomenon occurred.

Roughly speaking, all the lung and kidney were divided into weak, its reactions, often felt on both sides of qi in the body for a regular rotation. If gastrointestinal problems, will be felt in the abdomen rotation.

Would help if the liver or heart problems, will most likely feel one's mind or between the diaphragm part, as if there are things to plug, like a lump in the abdomen like. If can get through this feeling of swelling of the liver stem will become crystal clear. However, there may be more loose stools diarrhea, defecate out the mucus so the situation occurred.

In short, such as "sit-law for a child," the author of Mr. Jiang Weiqiao. He is due to his childhood began to sit with filth, so the process from the sit-in experience, the pen is to the book.

Then there is the phenomenon of air-rotating, etc.. This book could provide a reference for learning meditation, but never golden rule, treat a model by the static.

Qigong treatment of lumbar herniation

Protrusion of lumbar disc herniation that is due to disc degeneration, injury and fiber rupture, so that nucleus pulposus from the rupture of the fibrous ring or outside the office back behind the prominence, the Department of spinal nerve compression or cauda equina, resulting in lower back pain and lower extremity sciatica. Patients are often young adults 20-45 years of age, male incidence is much greater than women.


1. Visual examination. Exposure to low back pain patients, careful observation of spike connection Qigong masters and natural curvature, focus on: whether the lateral lumbar protrusion, if any, suddenly to where? Lumbar curvature with or without physiological change? Can make about bending over backward in patients with Qian Fu to motor dysfunction in Discrimination lumbar selective in where.

2. Palpation. Patient prone, Qigong masters fingertips with the right index finger and middle finger on both sides of the spine in patients with gas along the top-down examination, can be found in patients with lumbar spine tenderness beside the point and the sacral spinal muscle spasm Department. At the same time, be supplemented by flexion, pressure neck, sit ting abdomen, straight leg raising test, etc., to identify lumbar herniation and other low back pain patients.

3.X line, CT examination (abbreviated).

Qigong Therapy

1. Conductance gas so loose, the patient supine, Qigong masters hand Baihui to patients with a consistent Spontaneous gas, the other hand to the relevant element, gas cheb gas; and then hands out raises patient springs Department evil. Not a few minutes, the patient is initially relaxed body, pain can be relieved to lay a good foundation for further treatment.

2. Gas needle pain. Patient prone, Qigong masters choose 28 or 30 1.5-inch -2.5 inch needle, respectively Shenshu, gas Yu, lumbar 3-5 Jiaji, Ciliao, rank edge, ring jump, A is the point, and Yin door Venezuela, Cheng Shan, Yang Ling Quan, Yang cross, hanging bell, Sanyinjiao (4-6 points for each selection) into the needle. Needle retention period, with the fingertips or palm to. Tail and qi, so acupuncture further downstream. Bi-pin. Pain patients lose.

3. Air Moldova blood. Patients are still prone position, dorsiflexed hands, chest, stocks thin pillow front of the pad, so that the abdomen vacated, Qigong masters use the thumb point of friction with air Shenshu Dachangshu, home liao, ring jump, Cheng Fu, Yin door, Venezuela , Cheng-Shan, days should be other points, until the patient felt a hot hip hemp waist up, and then hold down the patients with a long palm bear strong point, to Du aspirated, the patient can feel like a warm current from the bottom up through the spinal canal.

Finally, fold in the left hand on his right hand, with a tremor cloth gas law (Law of massage and qigong in the tremor in the fabric combination gas law) in the herniated lumbar disc and the surrounding fat, power, and can effectively play the role of blood circulation .

4. Gas push reset. Patients sit side bench, genital vacant, the body slightly forward. Qigong masters squat in patients with first-hand thumb in front of patients with lumbar interior strength withstand the lateral prominence after (be sure exactly) in one hand and hold down the other side under the arms across the shoulders of patients, so that patients take a deep breath.

In the call to make the absorption of the moment, the direction of rotation according to physiologic and anatomic reduction, efforts to moderate, then you can often hear the term "cell" of the sound (but not pursued), that prominence has been (or part) reduction, the patient he felt a lot easier .

5. Exercise rehabilitation. In order to strengthen the effect of Qigong therapy, patients do better once Qigong every morning and evening, each about 15 minutes, Gong Taoist secret to successful rejuvenation of the "Upward-day sun", "overlooking the extract to yin" and " Yang Jing Wen Shen "and so is appropriate.

Lying successful introduction of natural

Natural Power is a simple horizontal power, pay attention to all the meets with the natural, comfortable position Aetna, very suitable for people too busy and tired, they also suitable for elderly, ill or bedridden people who practice the critically ill patients can exercise . This feature is launched in air, so that the body of gas to run to open up the meridian points on the orifices and hinder the relationship, to the limbs Baihai nothing unreasonable health.

1. Stressed body: normal horizontal (to the right horizontal cases), right on the head with the pillow between the right thumb finger of a small business the right earlobe hole after a slight touch of shade under the Office of the wind uplift point; the remaining four are posted In the right face. Do not suppress the tragus; left hand out into the right shoulder head, palm of the right shoulder clavicular fossa Spontaneous posted on the Quepen den; physical micro-flexion, not sudden chest buttocks; legs peg-leg . left leg than his right leg bend a little to left foot big toe near the right leg central part of the first degree. Business Point is a small hand-lunar lung by the well points, it Qingfei Runzao; Yifeng point is the hand and foot Shaoyang triple burner by the Council Gallbladder point, it Shufeng meridians.

Two-point touch, smooth and conducive to breathing of gas in the meridian running. Palm of the Quepen Spontaneous posted Jianwo point, not only prevents cold air intrusion from the Quepen there strengthen the role of gas. Then, relax the body's joints and muscles. If you can not relax, but also adjust the position, right on the head and the pillow is not placed on the right between the face a little, and even arm straight on the bed can be; left hand can not paste directly on the right shoulder and left leg Wo on; legs can not according to the curvature of the provisions, they do not stretch too straight on the line.

2. And aligning the interest rate adjustment: after a comfortable position gracefully. Freely into the realm of calm, aware of their existence, and as its own and within a breath, awareness activities. The standard rate is adjusted to achieve uniform slender deep abdominal breathing, the early exercise of a person, usually as see their own breath is rough superficial form of uneven length; practice longer, they will gradually change to see their breath for the deep uniform slender.

This concept is very beneficial interest law and launched into the quiet of gas. Within the visual awareness activities. Delusional ideas and personal considerations often appear, at this time would need to hold the orifices (attention to two of his brow and between the two eyes focus on one small area, it is under the center of the Yin-Tang, Yamane above, that is, entrance, on the pubic region), we expected their head in their own little obstinate in (this method can be launched within the gas), can gradually into the quiet.

3. Meditation: meditation is needed to train their key and basic qigong, spends quiet is the most difficult to provide. Namo Amitabha Buddha can meditation method to read only to read, to read a study on behalf of the 10,000 objective.

Learn to control your anger

There is such a simple-minded, angry angry Erleng love child, he often heard people stomping Duo family dog on a half day. He also knows his bad temper, can that is powerless to change, often fret about their head Shaogen Jin.

This time it was a joke with him, said: "Money talks, why do not you spend some money to buy intelligence? East Ankokuji Delong Zen Master has a clever, you can afford to buy some from him smart ah. "

The Erleng son also became a true, actually ran the same night to find Deron Jackson said: "As long as you can teach me how to restrain their anger, a little wiser, I will spend money on your wisdom."

Delong Xiao Hehe answered: "It is simple ah, I teach you 10 words, 'little angry count to ten, count to a thousand furious', like that on it."

Erleng son did not expect such a simple: "so easy ah. How much of a word?"

"My wisdom is very expensive, to 12 silver every word!" Deron replied.

"But would you kill someone?" Erleng child can not help severely scolded Delong meal, stormed back home and found his wife was with another man and sleeping with!

"Well, this slut seduce even while I'm not wild men, but also sleep in my house!" Angry, he turned and picked up the knife, trying to chop up that wanted to burst into the "adultery."

This time he suddenly thought Deron Jackson taught him ten words, on suppressing anger, began to count in their hearts.

Just the number to eight, when the "adulterer" suddenly woke up, looked at Erleng child to take stand in their kitchen knives in front of startled, said: "Son, you take your knife to do here!"

Originally Erleng child's mother to see son delayed return, specifically to accompany daughter came to chat. They were trapped and so on, and sleep together.

Erleng child frightened out in a cold sweat, thinking: "Thanks to the wisdom of these bought, or I've killed my aging mother was!"

At this point, the son of that flower 120 silver Erleng bought the wisdom simply picked up a big and cheap.

Zen has always been to promote tolerance, they think that despite the proliferation of their own anger, not only no end of trouble, but also very difficult to attain enlightenment, marble Buddhahood.

Western proverb: "God wanted him to destroy, they first make him mad!" Anger burst like a flood inundation as rational people, people make incredibly stupid.

Historically, a lot of anger burned brilliant generation dynasty. See the battlefield, whether king angry, or angry red crown to the roots, how many people do Victors, a large number of valuable material wealth to ashes. According to statistics, the anger caused by the loss to human burning of coal than the world-more hundreds of thousands of times.

Anger as if hidden in the human body at any time in the barrel of spirits ****, could lead to disaster. May blow up in both their own bodies, it may be the cause of their own, and even their most noble life.

But to truly failing to anger, we have to have some system to their own method of anger, and consciously forming their habits.

Observe the three widowed to support and Manner

Note: The sperm loss, deficiency, disease and aging is cowardly of God's aura. Doctors Tang Sun Simiao pointed out: "Fine, gas, God also can not hurt, loss of the injured students." Therefore, the maintenance of good precision, gas, God is an important guarantee for a healthy life. An old saying: "few desires to raise fine, reticent to raise air, few think to repose," which "three widowed" is dependent "and Manner Sambo" fundamental.

Few desires in order to support fine

TCM believes that "For as many as loss of precision." Lust is not only losing too much semen, but also damage and five internal organs of the essence, "no solid liver fine, dizzy dull; lung fine do not pay, muscle wasting; kidney essence is not fixed, air reduction; spleen sperm will not be strong, teeth floating pleasure . If the true essence endless dissipation, disease with health, with death to. " Ages physicians have advocated, good health should be top priority to maintenance of refined gas. "Class by the regimen," states: "For non-vertical, vertical exhaust is fine. Fine not dried up, exhaust is really casual. Cover fine to get angry, gas can of the living God, Gushan health who will treasure its fine, fine Ying qi Sheng, arrogant is full of God, God is the whole body health, physical health is less disease. air strong, strong interest in old age, are the almost perfection. "

If the lust, men are nocturnal emission, premature ejaculation, impotence, reproductive weakness, or even weak waist, dizziness, tinnitus, palpitation, forgetfulness, insomnia, lethargy, a long while as tuberculosis. Women are kidney sperm loss, Chong and Ren is not solid, reverse blood disorder, metrorrhagia in blood, vaginal discharge rain down, infertility or miscarriage, premature birth, blood loss and even dry, amenorrhea, thin yellow noodles made of strain of the disease . Not only that, lust can lead to endocrine disorders, affecting the digestive system, blood circulatory system. Intercourse over the ancients called the "cutting of the Axe", meaning to chop the body, can cause premature death or premature aging young. Therefore, the ascetic is good health is an important aspect.

Reticent to raise gas

Gas, is the most basic form of human material, it has a dynamic and endless features, maintain and promote the activities of human life. The basic requirement is to keep gas fewer nonsense. Because the body's tissue cells to continue to get through the metabolism of oxygen and remove carbon dioxide, and alveolar gas exchange is the main place, through the exchange of blood from the alveoli to the oxygen stream to be sent to all the cells in the body.

If a person always endlessly shouting, they are bound to consume Qi and affect the normal function of respiratory organs, resulting in lack of body strength, exogenous pathogens take advantage of the numerous problems. Some excitement, cluster together for fun prank, Scream barking, laughing endless, this will only damage sperm consumption of gas, makes the spirit of speeding, blood gas wandering, change his birth diseases.
Few thought to repose

Few ideas, that is, people do not cranky, so as not to affect the cerebral cortex of the physiological Yongnaoguoduo. "Good regimen who do not bother, do not suffer form. God shape both the security, but to also by the scourge of what?" Chinese in this view is justified. Makes a mistake of over-popular machine blues No, cause all sorts of diseases. "Via" with "harms spleen," "thought is angry," "Almost more thought is God," the discourse, the common feeling upset, dizziness, no appetite, abdominal bloating nausea, and even appeared pale complexion, lassitude, palpitations, shortness of breath embolism.

Woman was a mistake of excessive, damage heart and spleen Erzhi irregular menstruation, amenorrhea or other syndromes. Years of the numerous problems, such as neurasthenia, nervous gastrointestinal disorders, hypertension, coronary heart disease, cancer, etc., and even followed. "No mortal can not think," but there is a limit, do not suffer insignificant little things like meditation, not to bother for the amount of external evil. This can minimize the burden of thinking, help to "give full consideration interest" to prevent "God consider fine powder."

The first photo in the transfer treatment nocturnal emission mind

Nocturnal emission disease first appeared in the "via", the book nocturnal emission disease known as "fine from under the" Han Dynasty Zhang in "Golden Chamber" said the disease was "lost spirit", that is caused by the consumptive, and the Lord to Twig Decoction Longgumuli nocturnal emission. Sui, Yuan-Fang and Sun Simiao nests were weighed wet dream for the "essence of urine," "Dream ejaculation" and "Dream revealed," and further understanding of the pathogenesis of this disease from the kidney walls have wet dream for the future generations of kidney theoretical foundation. After the Song Dynasty, with the growing awareness of the nocturnal emission depth, gradually out of the nest kidney Overexertion mortar, which in the "Universal Relief" explicitly wet dream as an independent disease and syndrome, and nocturnal emissions nocturnal emission formal name, the disease Machine lane roadway will be classified as virtual exhausted nocturnal emissions, it also presents the meridian Yong Zhi, For Movable evil, and to separate the kidney, a pure heart, dampness various therapies. Qing Cheng Shou-wide, "Medical Law Yuantong" that the disease "system to heart and kidney do not pay, not Tibetan spirit-based", the author gained enlightenment, is not mentioned before is said above, and all readers Dramas.

"Classic": "A mind those students of this, God also ... ... the liver is variable, stop most of the country, the soul of the home ... ... kidney donors are also the main stung, sealing possession of this, the Department is also fine ... ... Solid Organs: heart hidden God, hidden soul of lung, liver soul, spleen Italy, kidney essence chih. "kidney essence the main reservoir, seminal emission that is not possession of the kidney, and kidney of the lid is the kidney, kidney table heart yang, heart and Spirit, "God of order Shi vent, air and precision do not hide from." Meanwhile, on another there are five elements biochemical liver kidney health, liver health relationship between heart, liver and controlling dispersion, primary school students for heart operation yang, it said that: "the soul of who God made it." Is clear from the kidney of the disease this is, but with heart, liver and two closely related dirty.

Wet dream when awake thinking more evil because of heart prostitution walls have already empty of its human kidney failure, liver yang and students from every desire not, this action of the mind that disorder Shi Yang, eager to vent faster the case of the liver, the kidney essence of the convergence can not be hidden out.

Nocturnal emission occurs mostly during sleep Yin Huo-wang, who he has a dream, and God by Huo move, God sent in the post-sleep performance as a dream in the shade and addressed to the soul with sleepwalking and more obscene, moving the sperm do not hide; or a heat of the urinary product of lags, resulting in poor gas lines, liver Failing to Smooth the soul from the home, room Er Shi Jing Jing disturbance fall off.

Therefore, the responsibility to heart and kidney disease can not pay, first, the yin and yang of the human renal disorders, Second degree of liver failure caused by conditioning mind day and close the eyes in sleep last night when the yin-yang disharmony; Auntie too, desires fail, himself up to reckless sensuality and diet Festival Jieke disease. Therefore, the treatment of this disease first note recuperating mind, eliminate irrational thoughts, then Differential Treatment.

"Golden Chamber": "A husband's loss of fine home Shaofu string urgent, overcast head cold, dizzy pleasure, pulse very false certificates later, as the Qing Gu, Wang Xue, loss of precision. Clock was moving all hollow micro-compact, refined man missing , Women's dreams cross, oyster soup, Gui Lord of the keel. "Oyster soup, Gui keel keel by Guizhi Tonga, oysters composition, Gui Ying and Wei Tang Yin and Yang of this can be reconciled, the five flavors drugs attributed to liver, heart, spleen, lung four dirty, there are accessible qi, yang of the power boost, plus keel, oysters, not only precision but also grabbing Yang astringent effect, which can make out into the yin yang, yin and yang convergence, convergence refinement and can possession. Zhongjing use this rule of yin and yang side to the loss of pay fine dream, such as the Yang-based, can increase the Gui, Zhi Gan Cao Yang amount to boost heart and kidney accompanied by aconite Warming; such as Yin Deficiency may increase the dosage of Paeonia Yin and business, and with a virgin, fried Gardenia Yin cooling blood heat.

Where such evidence rule, the root cause of the kidney, because in the mind, so emphasis tune their yin and yang, yin and yang, and the disease self-only. The regulation of yin and yang is the liver, liver qi catharsis is down, yin and yang out, Gui Yang keel oyster soup can promote access, heart and kidney intersection, it can achieve Treating nocturnal emission good results.