
Detailed Description of Chinese Qigong

Qigong: A unique fitness technique in China. Basically divided into two categories, in order to quiet the main vigil, sitting or lying with eyes closed to concentrate, and breathe a special way, to promote circulation, digestion and other functions of the system. Another to move the main, the general movement with gentle exercise, massage and other methods, adhere to regular exercise to strengthen the body.

Qigong is roughly spherical, adjustable rate, adjusted as a means to prevent and cure diseases, health in sickness, for the purpose of the development potential of a mental and physical training methods. Heart is the regulation of mental activity, the interest rate adjustment is to control respiration, regulation is the regulation of body posture and body movements. The three notes is the basic method of qigong exercise is subject to the three elements of qigong, or the norm.

Qigong is the people in the production, living, health care and other practice, gradually formed conclusion. Qigong therapy and physical therapy are both different, which may include physical therapy, but physical therapy is no substitute for qigong therapy. Physical exercise is always just a means of aligning one of Qigong, breathing exercises but also for aligning services, third tone is a unified whole, will be to aligning the core. Internal training and external training is a combination, should be based within the practice. Qigong of the gas is "in air", "infuriating" is between the range of ultraviolet and infrared energy of the body's own kind. Ideas can be infuriating to mobilize his lesions or other parts of qigong therapy with integrated features, at least it is the psychological therapy and physical therapy integrated.

Qigong therapy include psychological therapy, psychological therapy, but there are differences. Psychotherapy is that doctors usually language, facial expression, posture, attitude and so on awakening Zhuangtai reasoning under Bingrenjinhang, Anshizhiliao; or inducible with some special, in which patients Yinqi superficially some of the hypnotic state of sleep Lei Siyu , was again under hypnosis treatment of patients suggests. The patient is always passive. Qigong therapy is characterized by the patient's initiative to play, so that patients under the guidance of exercise to strengthen the self through self-control and effective.

Qigong and religion are essentially different. Qigong as a science, not involving the purpose of the various sects and doctrines, only cultivation practice from followers extract scientific meaning. This is reflected in Taoist, Buddhist also records a lot of information on the ancient Qi Gong; other religions in some of the theory, often by reference to practitioners.

