
How can meditation

From the point of view of neurophysiology, internal and external stimulation of the nerve impulse induced by the brainstem reticular formation can be composed of diffuse non-specific projection systems to transfer to the cerebral cortex, widespread excitement, play a role in the maintenance of clear. So all have blocking nerve impulse conduction measures that have to promote the role of meditation.

Acceptance of external stimuli from the external links in terms of feeling, these feelings include vision, hearing, smell, taste, skin sensations, of which 80% of the sensory information from vision and hearing. So can light eyes closed and choose a quiet environment, exercise and other measures to block the visual, auditory stimulation, reduced nerve impulse to help into the static. Of course, for those who benefit the healthy into the static visual, auditory stimulation, may retain and use, such as the pleasant light music, pleasing to the eye of Clivia flowers.

Second, to block the body's internal stimulus measures. Such measures may include two aspects:

On the one hand the initiative to relax the muscles, thus reducing muscle tension caused by muscle spindle to the central conduction of nerve impulses. In general, the horizontal static function best to relax muscles. So first, beginners can practice qigong horizontal static power. But beginners as poor self-control, static power in practice when lying down to sleep very easily, so it needs over a period of time to exercise, to right on the sense of keeping awake and sleep in different qigong meditation state.

On the other hand is a good practice to adjust the mental state when:

First of all, to avoid emotion, emotional time when the practice is not into the quiet.

Second, subjective anxious to avoid blindly want to relax into the quiet, anti-caused mental stress, hinder meditation.

In addition to these two kinds of mental state should be avoided, there are three kinds of healthy mental state regulation means can be used to help meditation:

One is to maintain the ease of mind during practice.

The second is the practice used when appropriate way intended to keep. Intended to keep many ways, you can only choose one, you can also use a variety of in turn. Either choose one or multiple, should be "intends, may have no intention," "Do not forget do not help," "Do not corrupt do not seek." And anxious, the intention is too strong, in Qigong, called "pains" is a major obstacle to meditation.

Third, the initiative to use positive means of self-suggestion. For instance, imagine a quiet night, standing on the grass thicket ... ...

The use of these methods may well turn, step by step, not rash. After a certain time of exercise, with the method of skilled, will form a favorable balance of physical and mental condition of self-reflection, then, into a quiet no longer difficult.

