
Qigong has a good

First, modern medical research that Qigong has the following main functions:

Enhance brain function: experimental studies have shown that in practice relaxing into the quiet, the practitioners in the α wave EEG amplitude increased gradually by the occipital lobe to the temporal spread. Decreased oxygen consumption per unit of time than the normal person awake by about 16%, while normal in sleep, the oxygen consumption per unit of time less than 10% of the awake state, indicating that Qigong exercise sleep better than the rest . As the α wave is reflected in the cerebral cortex of the wave suppression, so a wave amplitude increase and a tendency to spread, indicating Qigong exercise can reduce or eliminate the cerebral cortex of various adverse stimuli, regulate central nervous system, promote the cerebral cortex and the body organs are nursed back to health improve the memory capacity and develop intelligence.

Adjust the system functions: Practice has proved that Qigong exercise on the prevention and treatment of hypertension or hypotension, tachycardia or bradycardia, high blood sugar or low blood sugar, hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, etc. have a role in disease, indicating Qigong Exercise on the system hypoxia.

Promote blood circulation: Experimental studies have shown that a long period of Qigong exercise can not only enhance the heart function and promote a large circle, small cycles and microcirculation blood flow, but also can reduce the number of capillary vessel shaped blood vessels, indicating Qigong on cardiac vascular system has a significant impact. Practice has proved that practicing Qigong, the feeling of limbs and body very warm, slightly sweaty, pain symptoms were relieved, were indicative of Qigong can promote blood circulation, the prevention of coronary heart disease, cerebral arteriosclerosis and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease and other blood circulation disorder symptoms have a good effect.

Reduce energy consumption: Experimental studies have shown that exercise can reduce the energy metabolism of different levels, so that the human body from the "energy" state into "storage" state. Study found that after practice ATP content of human blood was significantly higher than the exercise, the average increase of 0.54 × 10-4M, instructions and training support functions within a storage function. Therefore, the fitness function among regular exercise to reduce energy consumption, increase energy storage is beneficial to health care, anti-old age, longevity.

Second, traditional Chinese medicine study that the role of Qigong in the following areas:
Dredge the meridian: meridian qi of the channel is, the meridian is not General pain, blood in the organs tissues and organs are not nourished and warmth will lead to a variety of diseases. Qigong exercise can promote the meridian channels, reduce or eliminate disease. Many comrades have this feeling after practice many uncomfortable symptoms have improved.

Qi and blood: Blood is the body of nutrients, if insufficient blood can lead to anemia or malnutrition, decreased immune function, resulting in many of Xu Zheng: If qi stagnation and blood stasis can lead to blood running barrier, resulting in many real disease . Qigong exercise can not only benefit qi, qi and blood can prevent and control disease in many Xu Zheng, and real.

Balance of yin and yang: the body's yin and yang imbalance in many diseases are caused due, the relative balance of yin and yang must be kept. If yin and yang imbalance, it will generate yin, yang Yin Sheng, or there is Weak of, yin yang and other bad diseases. Qigong exercise can balance the yin and yang, yin and yang imbalance can be improved and the elimination of various diseases.

Uphold: centralizer is one that can support healthy practices, the occurrence of disease is mostly associated with the real evil is false. Is false is the lack of essence and blood and organs dysfunction, evil indeed is the cold Shushizaohuo six evils of the evil invasion. Qigong exercise can help righteousness, but also eliminate the evil, so can control many diseases Xuzheng or real disease.

Third, the Chinese Qigong studies suggest that the role of qigong have health care.

Qigong exercise can promote the body essence, qi, God continually filling treasures to achieving progressively the full fine, air feet, San Want. Refined gas sufficient organs tissues and organs are functioning, San Want the brain and immune function in healthy and vigorous. Qigong exercise, disease can be fit and healthy, the sick can cure patients, ultimately health care, the purpose of aging and senility.

From participating in the practice of Qigong exercise situation, people participate in the main purpose of Qigong exercise are: physical fitness, disease prevention, longevity, development of intelligence, and character cultivation. To sum up, ultimately to achieve health care and aging and senility. Therefore, Qigong is one of the most popular sports, has a broad mass base, more and more countries and all aspects of attention.

