
Pat Fitness Therapy

By: beat, in the qigong exercises, often as a secondary function of some power law, in fact, if there are steps and continued beating the whole body, can play a unique health effects, specifically as follows:

Flap head and neck stand or sit in a chair, eyes flat as the front of the whole body relax, Chen Jian fall elbow, and then raised his arms flapping head and neck. The left side of his left hand tapping, right hand tapping on the right. Starting from the back and neck, gradually beat up, has been photographed forehead. Further back from the forehead flap, until after the neck. Repeat this 5 to 8 times the number of number of silent heart, the spirit of quiet, breathing naturally.

Bad mood because of sadness and depression made in the left hemisphere thinking part of the pleasurable emotions in the right hemisphere regions, to beat the gradual active when the dominant right brain hemisphere, and gradually suppress the activities of left-brain, it can eliminate negative emotions , makes emotional stability. Treat headache, dizziness, and lack of cerebral blood supply, for middle-aged are brain and enhance memory function.

Pat chest and back should take off the winter coat. Take standing posture, the body naturally relax, and then make a fist with both hands and a half. First beat with his left hand and right chest, then his right hand tapping the left chest. First top to bottom, then bottom, left and right chest 200 times the tap to shoot so after beating the chest and then back. Hand is still half a fist, then the first left hand out into the back post to tap the right, then left back, right hand tapping, tapping each side of the 100.

Chest and back have a rich chest wall nerves and spinal nerves, the control of human motion and cardiopulmonary function. Beat back chest harness can stimulate the skin and subcutaneous tissue, promote blood circulation to speed up the body through nerve conduction, and enhance endocrine function. Can prevent coronary heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, pulmonary heart disease, emphysema and muscle dysplasia.

Stand pat waist and abdomen, whole body relaxed, his hands half-open fist or fingers Stretch, and then turn around the waist. With the waist movement, also followed the two upper lashes. When the waist to the right rotation, right hand drive left upper limb and abdominal flap. While the right hand to right waist flap. About this repeatedly, palm or fist consciously tapping the waist, abdomen, on each side of the flap 200.

Beat both upper right arm with his left hand tapping, right hand tapping the left upper limb. Beat when thoughtful, all around the upper film times, usually on each side flap 100 to 200, can prevent or alleviate the upper extremity muscle hypoplasia, upper limb numbness, peripheral cyanosis and hemiplegia, etc..

Beat or riding in the chair stand shoulder, tapping the right shoulder with his left hand, right hand tapping the left shoulder, beating 100 times per side. Can prevent shoulder pain, sore shoulders, shoulder and other lung atelectasis.

Beat both lower extremities is sitting in a chair, first beat the left leg, left foot on the low stool, relax the entire lower extremity. Top to bottom with both hands, from the inside out, from bottom to top, from outside to inside, from the thigh to the calf to beat, and then shoot right leg pulls. Generally beat 200 times each. Can prevent age-limb numbness, increase metabolism, on the hemiplegic limbs has some therapeutic effect.

Double tap on the lower limbs and shoulders, can promote blood circulation, relieve muscle tension, so that the local joints, especially the shoulder, elbow, wrist, finger, knee and other joints are suitably relaxed. Vibration generated by the beat wave and shock wave can be transmitted to the deep muscles, thus promoting blood circulation, increase flexibility of blood vessels is beneficial to muscle strain, cervical spondylosis, arthritis prevention and treatment.

To beat the fitness therapy should be aware of the following questions:

1. Beat to relax when the body naturally, do not stress, neck chest very straight, breathing steadily, remove distractions.

2. Hard to beat when appropriate. Should light upon the weight, the first slow after the fast, speed is moderate, not excessive. The diseased joint muscle force can be slightly larger office, could be slightly faster pace. Action to beat the chest and abdomen slightly when the light, do not remake heavy hammer, anti-damage internal organs.

3. Flap should be gradual, sustained, comprehensive and thoughtful, not the East about the West look to random pat. Beat the best arrangement in the morning after.

