
Qigong therapy increased

(A) increase of Qigong Therapy
1, stop increasing qigong stance, feet shoulder width, hands placed on the thigh on both sides of the natural droop, head back straight, stretch up the body first, then start the body to relax into the qigong state. 2 Wei Bi, natural breathing, think of the endless universe, the essence of Reiki to the body absorbing, full of their own bodies. Then add your own ideas form a long, elongated neck, chest stretch, thigh extension, the body length. At the same time with Anjin, gently stretch your neck, chest, abdomen, pelvis, thigh, calf, repeated ideas, repeated gentle with Anjin. After about 5 minutes, start to relax from head to toe. Relax, then concentrate on their thighs, think of your thighs white, stretch. At the same time to meet with Anjin stretched to their view. The more you use 5-10 minutes to view their height to the height of their expectations, if you want to grow to 1 meter 80, you think of the tension through their own, his body has reached this height. Then the whole body relax, think of the vast expanse between heaven and earth, leaving only yourself, you stand a smile. Received power: think of your essence to the universe of white gas to recover the body, closed body every pore. Open your eyes, body tapping 1-5 times.
2, horizontal power increased supine on the bed, legs with feet close together and your hands naturally on the thighs on both sides, body relaxation, breathing naturally. Think of your body in a vast expanse of the earth, and then his body will slowly melt into a vast expanse of the gas, and then view it like this piece of gas slowly gather together to form the one you want to achieve their ideal height (if you want to grow to 1 meter 80, you think of your body has reached the height) and this ideal has everything you want to have their good and advantage, and then relax, relax the body, this their ideal shape, shape. The more successful closing 5 minutes and then fall asleep naturally. If the practice of sleep, better, just get up after a few minutes think of your stereotypes.
3, sitting height increased power options and their appropriate stool to sit down, feet shoulder width, leg and thigh at right angles, hands naturally on the legs, the back first and pulled up slightly hard look to make it the natural extension straight, and then maintain this state, eyes closed, begin training. First, relax the body, making the body into the best qigong state. Concept to a mass of red and white cross brilliance rotating around your body up and down and watching a group of white light beam to head up tension, at the foot of a mass of white light beam down the stretch, while their so Anjin, elongated their bodies to achieve their own wishful height. Every 10-30 minutes. Over several power law, the practice every day before going to bed to get up again horizontal, morning practice again stop, choose a relatively spare time to practice sitting for more than 20 minutes, or select only the increased power of sitting twice a day morning and evening practice, there increased the potential of young people will be effective 15 days or so.
4, running higher power in peacetime walked to add more a concept, a group head light beam to straighten up his body, steps before the step at the same time think of your long legs left behind. Not only will you walk in the body-type appearance, will play a higher role. Note: The walk two steps to maintain the rate of second best.
(B) increased the exercise therapy.
1, the former kicking martial arts basic skills by practicing law before the kick, the only difference is that toes do not bite, over and over for 10 minutes.
2, after the kick to select a rod or wooden posts. First grasp with his left hand, right leg straight after the rejection after the force, 5 minutes after the right hand grasping his left leg replaced with rejection, but also their 5 minutes.
3 days, feet and hands shoulder care-width, body relaxed, natural breathing, natural hands drooping on the sides. Inhale, lift your hands around level, exhale, decentralization, training a total of 49 times. Then inhale, hands above his head from both sides, with Anjin opened the body, relax your hands breath delegation, a total of 81 times.
4, 伸腰 encourage your feet shoulder width, legs straight, breathing, body Qian Fu, try their hands touch the ground; breath, stood up straight, 49 times. Then inhale, lean back, breath; restoration of vertical, 49 times.
5, Mogao Mogao feet up off 24 times as much as possible, about the 24 foot jump.
(C) can be increased several traditional qigong. Many friends also hope to obtain other benefits through the practice, in order to make your training function to a variety of purposes, I would like to recommend some I've seen the internal strength of the higher effective power law, which not only increased, but also puzzle, also can be therapy disease.
1, facing the wall squatting wall power, it is fairly obvious the role of the spine of tension and the body can be adjusted all the unmentionable disease, and dislocation. Only exercise too much, enough is enough.
2, Yi Jin Jing, not the kind of martial arts, but the world often face the kind of health, countries have special studies have described its good for young people increased, if you can find it, you can choose to Professor Zhou Miaofeng kind of, if not easy to find, the National Sports Commission is also currently promoting the kind of effect should be good.
3, cinnabar palm, this is the best I've ever seen on the higher good power law, not the letter you thought they knew, you saw the power law will know why I would strongly recommend it.
4, Qigong. Stretching the body to adjust its role is quite obvious, unfortunately it requires groups to practice, if pupils can not adjust the time, but can not deny the intelligence of every move for every type Qigong is the essence of Chinese traditional guided surgery where each action has its specific purpose. In addition to stress that meditation should not be increased. If you want to increase, it is best not to practice meditation, if you must sit, and preferably on the bench.
Fourth, increased attention to other matters
(A) increased their habit of eating
1, on the increase of harmful foods. Sugar content is increased too much food the enemy. Milled rice, the smart side, dessert, cola, fruit juice, will hinder calcium absorption. Salt to too many fried foods are also detrimental to increase.
2, on the higher good food. Should eat more protein, matte brown rice, beans, shrimp, shellfish, beef, chicken, liver, dark-colored vegetables.
3, chewing food thoroughly beneficial to eat something to absorb nutrients, we must pay attention to. Attachment:
A, Japan increased the recommended recipe
a, daily two bottles of milk (300 ml bottle)
b. fish, especially sardines
c. 100 grams of spinach every day
d. 100 g of carrots per day
e. two oranges a day
B, newspapers and magazines on the board before a number of such ads, said a farmer found a place with some food can be increased together. This recipe was sold on your hundred dollars, cheaper to sell two or three dollars, then I own an online prescription for arthritis treatment and a change to the users of this recipe looked quite disappointed. In fact very simple, that is, raw carrots, fried beans with a different food. How effective is, I never tried, are interested in to see your eat. But to tell the truth, carrots and soy foods really are higher. (B) associated with higher body.
1, help increase the body first: straight up, to close the jaw, shoulders and waist were stable, the body center of gravity horizontally heels. Chest: chest and abdomen, so that flat belly back: natural is better
2, is not conducive to increasing the body first: protrusion of abdominal too: chest concave, protrusion of the abdomen completely relaxed back: extreme bending
(C) the advantages and disadvantages of the increased movement
1, is conducive to increased exercise, swimming, dancing, gymnastics, volleyball, basketball, tennis, short distance running, skipping, climbing and so on.
2, is not conducive to increased movement of weight lifting, mechanical gymnastics, wrestling, marathon, soccer, rugby and so on.

