
Knowledge of health qigong

1. Qigong source term

The first from Jin Xu Xun's "religious Lang recorded net"

1953, Liu and Jane "Qigong Therapy Practice"

Three notes: aligning the interest rate adjustment tone body. The three elements of Qi Gong. Innate sense of God, also known as yuan, also known as knowledge acquired awareness of God

2. Qigong features: 1. Play exerciser awareness initiative 2. Breathing, body, mind combination of exercise

3. Psychosomatic view of 4 with the practice as a whole. Mobilize and nurture the potential of human physiology

3. Glossary

1. ZHOU Tian: Taoism Zhou Tianhong Zhou Tianhong, divided in size, small heavenly circuit line is Rendu 2 pulse; Great Heavenly Circuit is a personal line of 24 meridians and the odd pulse all-pass, just feel the air in the body to run, call it for the meridian ZHOU Tian, video to the meridians, acupuncture points and inner light, interior, Zhou Tianhong line can really pass that, this is called Dan Tao Zhou Tianhong.

2. Endoscopy: practitioners will focus on their own thinking inside the body, until can see all kinds of images, called endoscopy, physicians called "back view", commonly known as "enlightenment", as well within the You can also see the scene outside the body.

3. Ideas: that knowledge of God, that is, thinking the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow awareness, conscious, and referred to as thought or consciousness.

4. Sex: that God, soul, that innate ideas, innate sense of light consciousness, subconscious, Taoism that the navel is the soul of the home.

5. Life: that element refined, innate essence; if gas, God used together may be referred to as the fine, the Taoist view that the pubic region is the essence of the reservoir element.

6 .. entrance: by the innate mind into thinking the day after tomorrow the moment. Because access is difficult a priori thinking, but also internal organs during cultivation very critical step, so seniors will practice at home the moment described as an extremely difficult to exceed this mark.

7. Dan: Heavenly Portal practitioners began to open, you can as to the body like a day in Kisaragi, such as beads, such as powder graphics, the graphics is Inner alchemy, commonly known as Dan, Buddhism as a relic Pu Tizi.

8. Life alike: practitioners have or while practicing their own sex (God) and life (fine).

4: Qigong comes from when - in 1975, painted pottery found in Qinghai, the pattern, this pattern for the practitioners Zhan Zhuang positions, about 5,000 years of history.

5. The concept of Qi Gong and Qigong

The concept of power - Qigong aligning adjustable rate notes themselves into one of the physical and mental training skills. Heart notes are in the interest rate adjustment in qigong school called the "three notes." One Heart is the regulation of mental activity; adjustable rate is the regulation of respiration; stressed that God is the body's posture and movement control. The purpose of speaking from the Qigong: Qigong is based on disease prevention, health in sickness, for the purpose of the development potential of a physical and psychological training methods.

Qigong: is fitness for the purpose of a more gentle form of activity-based, physical and mental state tends to adjust the interest rate adjustment Heart of God-one of the sports program.

6. Fundamentals

1. What is a holistic view of human life?

Is the overall integrity and unity. In traditional Chinese culture, the whole concept of human life is the unity within the human body and the nature of the unity of opposites, that the human body is an organic whole, the human body with the outside world, including the social and natural environment on the close and inseparable Contact This not only emphasizes the unity within the body, but also to the concept of the unity of the human body and the outside world, known as the holistic view of human life.

2. Holistic view of human life, the basic idea of what?

(1) human life form the unity of the three gas God, gas is a living force, invisible gas, which flow in the body weeks, resides among the body, by God, the three combined into an organic whole. (2) everything in the universe are invisible from a basic material and the composition of gas accumulation are forming, gas dispersion is invisible. (3) and closely linked to the social environment, human life movement and the social environment, as well as his own closely related to social practice.

3. What is the concept of Heaven? What is the relationship between man and heaven and earth?

Heaven is an ancient Chinese philosophy. Heaven concept that people are part of nature, man and nature (earth) constitute an integral whole.

Relationship: specifically, that there are three relations, one of human physiological processes and the nature of the movement and change there is a synchronization relationship; second man and the natural world with the constraints by the law of yin and yang, and follow the same laws of motion and change; third person and the natural world have a common material basis.

4. Heaven Outlook on Health Qigong exercise any significance?

(1) Qigong exercise we have to study the variation in nature, but also of my actual situation. (2) combined with their own physical and mental condition and the nature of the changes of the means to exercise choice, site, content, time, intensity of exercise capacity; to not only adapt to changes in the natural world they adapt themselves to yin and yang, physical and mental condition, to achieve harmony with nature itself state.

5. What is the yin and yang?

Yin and Yang theory is the ancient Chinese culture, an important theoretical basis, contains the rational kernel of materialism and dialectics, is the traditional Chinese medicine and health one of the basic theory of operation, the original meaning of yin and yang is the sunlight of support or opposition, the Japanese as the sun, back on to overcast, later extended for the warm climate of the cold, the azimuth of the upper and lower, left and right, inside and outside the movement state of restlessness and quiet so that all the phenomena of ancient thinkers have both positive and negative, on the use to the concept of yin and yang to explain the nature of two kind of unity of opposites and mutual growth and decline of physical strength, and that the transformation of yin and yang of the unity of opposites and the fluctuation is inherent in the thing itself, and thus that the unity of opposites yin and yang, and the growth and decline to transform the basic law of the universe.

6. Yin and yang theory of qigong exercise on the guidance?

First, who guide the exercise of the three transfer operations; second guide training election workers who Tolerance; third debate when those who guide the training exercises; four debates to help patients practice disease.

7. What is the five elements?

The original meaning of the five elements and five material related to five soil material is Muhuo Jinshui five basic substances. Therefore, the five elements means Muhuo Jinshui five substances and movement of soil changes.

8. The relationship between the five elements?

Five grams of good health between the insult relationship.

9. What is a Meridian?

Chinese medicine, meridians are running blood, contact the viscera, communication up and down, inside and outside the network regulating the body functions, by means, in turn, contact is the collaterals, the human body through the meridian system and complex intersection of law, the internal organs, limbs, Bai Hai, features Jiuqiao, skin tight muscles and other tissues and organs into an integrated whole, thus ensuring the orderly harmony of life activities of human normal.

10. What are internal organs?

Internal organs are dirty like that Chinese summary of human internal organs. Among the five internal organs including the liver, spleen lung and kidney, with the role of biochemical and storage and Manner is the most important body system. The Six Hollow Organs include the gall bladder stomach, small intestine large intestine triple burner and bladder, are digesting food and excreting waste transfer the role.

11. Triple burner is what?

Triple Burner is a medicine doctrine specific terms, into the coke coke coke collectively under one of six dirty. Is generally believed that the triple burner is cover all the body organs of a big Fu, dirty body part is divided into the basic concept that these sites were the focus of the phrenic, including: heart and lung; diaphragm below the navel or above the site is in focus, including the spleen and stomach; navel The following is the next focus, including the large intestine, liver and kidney bladder. Triple Burner is the function of the Directorate General of human gasification, also of Water Valley, to run channel liquid water.

12. What is the six disease?

Obscene, excessive, or even meaning too. In the nature of the cold medicine Shushizaohuo six climate change under normal circumstances is called six gas. Six gas in an extremely abrupt changes in risk factors could be next, now that six evils. Six disease attacks the body, causing external diseases, so called six evil.

13. Six disease pathogens common characteristics?

First, with the seasons. Windy diseases, such as spring, summer and more Shubing, long summer humidity disease, fall ill more than dry, cold winter of many diseases; second, six disease pathogens can be combined, while invasive. Such as the cold caused by colds, rheumatism, paralysis caused by disease, heat easily diarrhea; third, six disease pathogens can be transformed into each other, such as cold pathogen into the run-in can be dry heat Shushi injury; 4 is a common way to six disease pathogenesis muscle infiltration by the table or nose and mouth, so we should pay attention to the body, according to the conservation of different seasons in order to avoid infringement of six disease.

14. Meridian Theory in Qigong application?

Chinese believe that meridians barrier is fraught with problems, there is pain is blocked, General is not pain, blood in the heat is OK, Yuhan the condensate to say, so smooth in practice through the meridian system fight disease. Specifically, mind concentration points or make some part of the body heat, so smooth the meridians, the organs and maintenance. In addition, meridian in the limbs, body parts through the exercises can be stretch, stretch pull, rotary screw, winding and self-massage to stimulate the meridian points, thus achieving the purpose of disease prevention and control organs, four sets of Qigong has carefully such a role.

15. What are the impassioned people?

Chinese people's joy, anger, the sorrow, fear and panic Concerned spirit of the seven categories of emotional activities, collectively known as the seven emotions

16. What is the five workers and injured seven?

The so-called emperor after five workers said that the "long as the injury of blood, a long injury lay gas, sedentary flesh wound, a long line of injured tendons," so-called seven wounded, the general theory that is mentioned in various pathogens Hou's "grand injury spleen, large and anger against the liver, a strong weight lifting, sedentary wetlands, harm to the kidneys, lung injury in cold drink, sad mistake of sad, rain dew form injured, large sections of fear does not hurt Chi, there are seven major injuries because of the impassioned argument had wound five organs .

17. What is the scientific way of life?

World Health Organization concluded the world, after the latest achievements of preventive medicine in 1992 published the famous Victoria Declaration, the Declaration noted that the four cornerstones of health as "a reasonable diet, regular exercise, smoking cessation limit alcohol, mental balance," the 16 words It is the most scientific way of life essence description.

18. Why Qigong is a scientific way of life?

Qigong is the basic purpose of air conductivity and so, so soft chin; basic characteristic is fixed in static, dynamic and static; basic requirement is that labor is not so great. Intensity of the exercise and exercise evaluation criteria is slightly sweating without asthma; through practice exercises and can be achieved by improving physical fitness, enhance internal organs function, to relax, the purpose of eliminating fat, showing that Qigong is itself part of scientific life in the way students - regular exercise, and because the overall tone photo, internally and externally to the practice, in improving physical and mental health aspects of the human body has its unique features.

19. Why Qigong help lift the unhealthy habits?

Health Qigong exercise for people, because it is starting from a long and healthy life, so his regimen Xing Wei special attention that their physical health after Chongshi can not only Shuli health Guannian, access to health knowledge, health practice will conscious De Jin Xing including: mental adjustment, adjust diet, living a regular, moderate work and rest, food and medicine simultaneously, intercourse with restraint, smoking less wine, while avoiding disadvantages and ethical conservation and so on, practitioners are often more strict with themselves, this undoubtedly help us to develop good health habits.

20 steps and methods of teaching Qigong?

The first step: the basic routines and master the power law running routes

Step two: skilled and precise movement control

The third step: a coherent and coordinated for practitioners

Fourth step: focus on breathing and movement coordination

Step five: understand the mood and spirit of power law

