
Qigong therapy for cancer therapy

For cancer patients at different stages, you can choose different methods of Qigong exercise.

Qigong that every human body there, "qi", it is a very wonderful thing. China's ancient culture that the human body is a microcosm of the universe, heaven, earth, man is a harmonious and unified system. When the "air" effect on the patients body, the removal of the spleen and stomach of the aggregate of plug, clean the "air" in deep circulation, the functions of various organs to normal play, lymphatic, nervous system and blood circulatory functions greatly enhanced. Qigong can be self-cultivation, when practicing medicine without assistance, it is through the regulation of breathing, meditation and some specific actions to be matched by practice stimulate vitality, strengthen the physical self-regulation and self-recovery capability, savings and more power to face life challenges. Qigong cure cancer There are four main reasons:

1. Cancer is the lack of oxygen caused by its various functional changes, resulting in rapid, continuous growth. If a large number of oxygen supply to the cancer cells, it can inhibit the growth of or destroy it. Qigong Cancer lot of oxygen stress, which is fully in line with science.

2. Emotional and physiological functions are closely related, life stress, emotional distress, can result in reduced immune function, while changes in various hormone secretion and decreased skin resistance, these phenomena have a scientific report. Study found that cancer patients before the onset of many mental, have suffered a blow, or unhappy, is not optimistic about life and so on. Qigong cancer stressed calm, without any stimulation, which is fully in line with science.

3. Bioelectrical tumor is different from the normal tissue, the study found potential cancer than the normal low. For example, liver cancer, cancer site was the Vice potential, like the same battery. This potential difference can be understood that it is able to fight for nutrition, constantly growing. If positively charged or magnetic treatment, can destroy tumors. Qigong practitioners can emit a magnetic field or static, indicating qigong cancer is scientifically based.

4. Exercise gas function improved sleep, reduced stress, inner peace, balance the body, so as to achieve "no patient out of danger," the state!

