
The physiological function of the body of the gas

The body of gas for the body concerned, constitutes the body removed to maintain human life, there are many very important role, can be broadly grouped into five physiological functions.

1. Boost. Gas is highly refined energy material, its role in promoting human performance at: excitation of all organs, meridians and other tissues and organs of the physical activities; promote human growth and development; to promote the formation of blood, promoting blood run; to promote the formation of body fluids, input distribution and excretion. Because there are more to promote the active role of gas, when the body Qi, the physiological functions of the organs will be affected. Nina gas shortage, the stomach qi deficiency, lung inadequate, the performance is weakened organs. "Lingshu must gas Chapters" said: "coke bullied juice, changes in red, is that blood." Qi will affect the formation of blood, the body blood deficiency. Because "blood gas as handsome," "Flow of Qi-line", while qi stagnation and blood stasis; deficiency weakens when the gas driving would produce stasis. Body fluids generated by the operation of temper, Stomach's digestion and absorption of food material in the grain was refined after consumption, depends on the role of temper transport of the lungs, the lung lose cloth to the body and the role of kidney in the excretion of body fluids The solution of the cloud. Deep breathing exercises not only evil in the role of Pai, but also invigorate the blood effect. Qi Qigong has improved through the practice situation, the gas role in promoting enhanced, human growth and development, the organs, meridians and other tissues and organs will become normal physiological activity, the body's blood production and operation, body fluid generation and transmission distribution the situation will become normal.

2. Warmth effect. Body heat from gas. Body temperature is warm running through the role of gas to sustain. Human organs, meridians in the air of warmth must also be carried out under normal physiological activity. Body fluids such as blood and body fluids must rely on the role of gas in the warmth of normal cycle. This is the "blood was warm and the line is too cold condensate." If the gas in the role of abnormal warmth, there will be hi warm chills, limbs not warm, low body temperature, blood and body fluids running slow due to blood clots and water fluid metabolism of stagnation, edema, phlegm retention, etc.. After practicing qigong in full as yang, it will be more afraid than ordinary cold energy than most people seem large, high-calorie.

3. Air defense role. The role of air defense is mainly embodied in human muscle form security, defense and outside invasion. "Plain Questions of evaluation fever" said: "The evil of the Minato, the gas will be virtual" refers to the time in Qi Wei Qi as lack of human disease and immunity will be reduced, evil will invade the human body . If the air defense role of the human body strong, then "kept upright, the evil can not be dry." Qigong practitioners as health air feet, the role of external evil strong defense, for the wind, cold, heat, wet, bath, fire, epidemic Pandora and other exogenous pathogens resistant, has immunity, so are less prone to evil disease. Many people say that practice before the regular flu, after practicing qigong little cold. This is the "righteousness exist, the evil can not be dry."

4. Astringent effect. The main function of the solid gas is air intake on blood, body fluids such as liquid substances is controlled by the excessive secretion or to prevent undue loss. If the deficiency, dereliction of duty gas in solid proactive role, it may produce a variety of liquid spills and loss. Gas has astringent blood through the veins and the blood line, to prevent their escape the role of outside contacts. If qi can not be proactive, produces all the blood out of hyperlipidemia. Such as vaginal bleeding, vomiting blood, epistaxis, muscle bleed at the nose, etc. (including uterine functional bleeding, vomiting blood bronchiectasis, thrombocytopenic purpura and other deficiency diseases in those.) Gas has astringent body fluid, so that the normal body fluid distribution and excretion of the role of transport . If gas is not solid-chun, it will produce spontaneous deficiency, polyuria, urinary incontinence, mouth drooling, diarrhea vent pan of water and spit slip embolism. Gas has astringent effect kidney essence. If the gas is not fixed fine, it will produce men's wet dream, Hua Jing, premature ejaculation embolism.

5. Gasification. Gasification is generated through the movement of qi and refined, gas, blood, body fluid metabolism and into each other. Gasification role in the human dietary intake of material into the water Valley refined gas, and then divide generate gas, blood, sperm, saliva and so on. Food material after digestion and absorption of microscopic parts, into the rest of the dross removed from the body. The metabolism of body fluid, in addition to Ruyang body parts, the part into a sweat from the pores discharge; the other part into the urine, kidney and bladder function after excretion. As the essence, qi, blood, body fluids are from eating refined by metaplasia, and they can be transformed into each other, so there are "fine homologous blood", "Jin homologous blood," "Blood is the mother of qi" and other phrases .

If the gas gasification dysfunctional, will affect the qi, blood, sperm, body fluid metabolism; affect digestion and absorption of dietary compounds affect the sweat, urine and food Cao meal excretion, thus forming a variety of metabolic disorders lesions. Deep breathing exercises can mobilize the human potential, but also from the nature of energy intake is beneficial to the human body metabolism and physical transformation. Because the overall effect of qigong practice to regulate yin and yang imbalance in the body, to make it to balance. Therefore, to mobilize the human potential for human-gasification, for gas, blood, body fluids and precision of chemical and biological weapons and their metabolites, qigong is a very good approach. Deep breathing exercises can either exhaust gas disease (cold, hot, wet, dry, hemp, etc. all kinds of evil), but also complement it (Tianjin blood is yin, the yang qi). Promote the role of qigong gasification case may be, according to the human body, yang yang, yin yin, Qigong on physiological changes in the human body has a two-way regulation, always tend to balance, and no side effects.

