
How to practice qigong in patients with silicosis

Silicosis is due to long-term inhalation of free silica dust particles caused to influence the respiratory function based pneumoconiosis, is a most serious occupational hazards. The main substance of the lung lesions and extensive fibrosis and nodule formation. Domestic and foreign experts and scholars on the treatment of silicosis have carried out a large number of attempts, but no satisfactory results. Qigong therapy for the treatment of silicosis in an attempt, in recent years, attracting more attention. Clinical observation that qigong exercise can effectively improve the systemic symptoms in patients with silicosis and respiratory function.

Cough, sputum, chest pain, asthma is the four symptoms of silicosis. Three months after learning qigong practice, these symptoms improved to reduce the specific performance of the cough, sputum decreased, chest pain disappeared, asthma improved. In addition to respiratory symptoms improved, but also accompanied by the improvement of general condition, such as appetite, abdominal distention disappeared, improved sleep, fatigue tiredness disappear, reducing the number of colds, influenza infection caused after the lung is reduced significantly so. Pulmonary function and found that 31% of maximal voluntary ventilation lung, the average from 60 l / min to 83.4 l / min. Vital capacity and vital capacity in one second time also increased significantly. Laboratory examination revealed more specific indicators of silicosis patients ceruloplasmin have also undergone significant changes. In particular, microscopic examination of blood leukocytes, found that over-aging of mature neutrophils (7 - 8 lobes) was significantly reduced, reflecting the strong body regeneration function. All the above results, is a long-term drug treatment in the past by the invisible. Fully demonstrated the advantages of qigong therapy.

The results of treatment of silicosis of qigong, qigong exercises can not rule out the possibility that the lungs through the silicon nodules and eliminate fibrosis. The role of Qigong therapy is to adjust the body functional status of each system, the general situation improves, based on their respiratory symptoms had improved. This further reflects the mind and body with qigong practice characteristics, embodies the whole concept of Chinese medicine. ?

Qi Gong can be selected are: station static stance, tuna Gong, Qigong Tai Chi 15 potential, self-Meridian guidance law. Patients according to the actual power to choose the appropriate method, as measured by for College, comprehensive use of adjusted body, adjustable rate, aligning Sanlei practice Shouduan, grasp the principles of practice, adhere to long-term exercise, and gradually improve the respiratory function, enhance physical fitness, achieve control The purpose of the disease.

