
Qigong therapy for cancer therapy

For cancer patients at different stages, you can choose different methods of Qigong exercise.

Qigong that every human body there, "qi", it is a very wonderful thing. China's ancient culture that the human body is a microcosm of the universe, heaven, earth, man is a harmonious and unified system. When the "air" effect on the patients body, the removal of the spleen and stomach of the aggregate of plug, clean the "air" in deep circulation, the functions of various organs to normal play, lymphatic, nervous system and blood circulatory functions greatly enhanced. Qigong can be self-cultivation, when practicing medicine without assistance, it is through the regulation of breathing, meditation and some specific actions to be matched by practice stimulate vitality, strengthen the physical self-regulation and self-recovery capability, savings and more power to face life challenges. Qigong cure cancer There are four main reasons:

1. Cancer is the lack of oxygen caused by its various functional changes, resulting in rapid, continuous growth. If a large number of oxygen supply to the cancer cells, it can inhibit the growth of or destroy it. Qigong Cancer lot of oxygen stress, which is fully in line with science.

2. Emotional and physiological functions are closely related, life stress, emotional distress, can result in reduced immune function, while changes in various hormone secretion and decreased skin resistance, these phenomena have a scientific report. Study found that cancer patients before the onset of many mental, have suffered a blow, or unhappy, is not optimistic about life and so on. Qigong cancer stressed calm, without any stimulation, which is fully in line with science.

3. Bioelectrical tumor is different from the normal tissue, the study found potential cancer than the normal low. For example, liver cancer, cancer site was the Vice potential, like the same battery. This potential difference can be understood that it is able to fight for nutrition, constantly growing. If positively charged or magnetic treatment, can destroy tumors. Qigong practitioners can emit a magnetic field or static, indicating qigong cancer is scientifically based.

4. Exercise gas function improved sleep, reduced stress, inner peace, balance the body, so as to achieve "no patient out of danger," the state!

How to practice qigong in patients with silicosis

Silicosis is due to long-term inhalation of free silica dust particles caused to influence the respiratory function based pneumoconiosis, is a most serious occupational hazards. The main substance of the lung lesions and extensive fibrosis and nodule formation. Domestic and foreign experts and scholars on the treatment of silicosis have carried out a large number of attempts, but no satisfactory results. Qigong therapy for the treatment of silicosis in an attempt, in recent years, attracting more attention. Clinical observation that qigong exercise can effectively improve the systemic symptoms in patients with silicosis and respiratory function.

Cough, sputum, chest pain, asthma is the four symptoms of silicosis. Three months after learning qigong practice, these symptoms improved to reduce the specific performance of the cough, sputum decreased, chest pain disappeared, asthma improved. In addition to respiratory symptoms improved, but also accompanied by the improvement of general condition, such as appetite, abdominal distention disappeared, improved sleep, fatigue tiredness disappear, reducing the number of colds, influenza infection caused after the lung is reduced significantly so. Pulmonary function and found that 31% of maximal voluntary ventilation lung, the average from 60 l / min to 83.4 l / min. Vital capacity and vital capacity in one second time also increased significantly. Laboratory examination revealed more specific indicators of silicosis patients ceruloplasmin have also undergone significant changes. In particular, microscopic examination of blood leukocytes, found that over-aging of mature neutrophils (7 - 8 lobes) was significantly reduced, reflecting the strong body regeneration function. All the above results, is a long-term drug treatment in the past by the invisible. Fully demonstrated the advantages of qigong therapy.

The results of treatment of silicosis of qigong, qigong exercises can not rule out the possibility that the lungs through the silicon nodules and eliminate fibrosis. The role of Qigong therapy is to adjust the body functional status of each system, the general situation improves, based on their respiratory symptoms had improved. This further reflects the mind and body with qigong practice characteristics, embodies the whole concept of Chinese medicine. ?

Qi Gong can be selected are: station static stance, tuna Gong, Qigong Tai Chi 15 potential, self-Meridian guidance law. Patients according to the actual power to choose the appropriate method, as measured by for College, comprehensive use of adjusted body, adjustable rate, aligning Sanlei practice Shouduan, grasp the principles of practice, adhere to long-term exercise, and gradually improve the respiratory function, enhance physical fitness, achieve control The purpose of the disease.


The physiological function of the body of the gas

The body of gas for the body concerned, constitutes the body removed to maintain human life, there are many very important role, can be broadly grouped into five physiological functions.

1. Boost. Gas is highly refined energy material, its role in promoting human performance at: excitation of all organs, meridians and other tissues and organs of the physical activities; promote human growth and development; to promote the formation of blood, promoting blood run; to promote the formation of body fluids, input distribution and excretion. Because there are more to promote the active role of gas, when the body Qi, the physiological functions of the organs will be affected. Nina gas shortage, the stomach qi deficiency, lung inadequate, the performance is weakened organs. "Lingshu must gas Chapters" said: "coke bullied juice, changes in red, is that blood." Qi will affect the formation of blood, the body blood deficiency. Because "blood gas as handsome," "Flow of Qi-line", while qi stagnation and blood stasis; deficiency weakens when the gas driving would produce stasis. Body fluids generated by the operation of temper, Stomach's digestion and absorption of food material in the grain was refined after consumption, depends on the role of temper transport of the lungs, the lung lose cloth to the body and the role of kidney in the excretion of body fluids The solution of the cloud. Deep breathing exercises not only evil in the role of Pai, but also invigorate the blood effect. Qi Qigong has improved through the practice situation, the gas role in promoting enhanced, human growth and development, the organs, meridians and other tissues and organs will become normal physiological activity, the body's blood production and operation, body fluid generation and transmission distribution the situation will become normal.

2. Warmth effect. Body heat from gas. Body temperature is warm running through the role of gas to sustain. Human organs, meridians in the air of warmth must also be carried out under normal physiological activity. Body fluids such as blood and body fluids must rely on the role of gas in the warmth of normal cycle. This is the "blood was warm and the line is too cold condensate." If the gas in the role of abnormal warmth, there will be hi warm chills, limbs not warm, low body temperature, blood and body fluids running slow due to blood clots and water fluid metabolism of stagnation, edema, phlegm retention, etc.. After practicing qigong in full as yang, it will be more afraid than ordinary cold energy than most people seem large, high-calorie.

3. Air defense role. The role of air defense is mainly embodied in human muscle form security, defense and outside invasion. "Plain Questions of evaluation fever" said: "The evil of the Minato, the gas will be virtual" refers to the time in Qi Wei Qi as lack of human disease and immunity will be reduced, evil will invade the human body . If the air defense role of the human body strong, then "kept upright, the evil can not be dry." Qigong practitioners as health air feet, the role of external evil strong defense, for the wind, cold, heat, wet, bath, fire, epidemic Pandora and other exogenous pathogens resistant, has immunity, so are less prone to evil disease. Many people say that practice before the regular flu, after practicing qigong little cold. This is the "righteousness exist, the evil can not be dry."

4. Astringent effect. The main function of the solid gas is air intake on blood, body fluids such as liquid substances is controlled by the excessive secretion or to prevent undue loss. If the deficiency, dereliction of duty gas in solid proactive role, it may produce a variety of liquid spills and loss. Gas has astringent blood through the veins and the blood line, to prevent their escape the role of outside contacts. If qi can not be proactive, produces all the blood out of hyperlipidemia. Such as vaginal bleeding, vomiting blood, epistaxis, muscle bleed at the nose, etc. (including uterine functional bleeding, vomiting blood bronchiectasis, thrombocytopenic purpura and other deficiency diseases in those.) Gas has astringent body fluid, so that the normal body fluid distribution and excretion of the role of transport . If gas is not solid-chun, it will produce spontaneous deficiency, polyuria, urinary incontinence, mouth drooling, diarrhea vent pan of water and spit slip embolism. Gas has astringent effect kidney essence. If the gas is not fixed fine, it will produce men's wet dream, Hua Jing, premature ejaculation embolism.

5. Gasification. Gasification is generated through the movement of qi and refined, gas, blood, body fluid metabolism and into each other. Gasification role in the human dietary intake of material into the water Valley refined gas, and then divide generate gas, blood, sperm, saliva and so on. Food material after digestion and absorption of microscopic parts, into the rest of the dross removed from the body. The metabolism of body fluid, in addition to Ruyang body parts, the part into a sweat from the pores discharge; the other part into the urine, kidney and bladder function after excretion. As the essence, qi, blood, body fluids are from eating refined by metaplasia, and they can be transformed into each other, so there are "fine homologous blood", "Jin homologous blood," "Blood is the mother of qi" and other phrases .

If the gas gasification dysfunctional, will affect the qi, blood, sperm, body fluid metabolism; affect digestion and absorption of dietary compounds affect the sweat, urine and food Cao meal excretion, thus forming a variety of metabolic disorders lesions. Deep breathing exercises can mobilize the human potential, but also from the nature of energy intake is beneficial to the human body metabolism and physical transformation. Because the overall effect of qigong practice to regulate yin and yang imbalance in the body, to make it to balance. Therefore, to mobilize the human potential for human-gasification, for gas, blood, body fluids and precision of chemical and biological weapons and their metabolites, qigong is a very good approach. Deep breathing exercises can either exhaust gas disease (cold, hot, wet, dry, hemp, etc. all kinds of evil), but also complement it (Tianjin blood is yin, the yang qi). Promote the role of qigong gasification case may be, according to the human body, yang yang, yin yin, Qigong on physiological changes in the human body has a two-way regulation, always tend to balance, and no side effects.

How can meditation

From the point of view of neurophysiology, internal and external stimulation of the nerve impulse induced by the brainstem reticular formation can be composed of diffuse non-specific projection systems to transfer to the cerebral cortex, widespread excitement, play a role in the maintenance of clear. So all have blocking nerve impulse conduction measures that have to promote the role of meditation.

Acceptance of external stimuli from the external links in terms of feeling, these feelings include vision, hearing, smell, taste, skin sensations, of which 80% of the sensory information from vision and hearing. So can light eyes closed and choose a quiet environment, exercise and other measures to block the visual, auditory stimulation, reduced nerve impulse to help into the static. Of course, for those who benefit the healthy into the static visual, auditory stimulation, may retain and use, such as the pleasant light music, pleasing to the eye of Clivia flowers.

Second, to block the body's internal stimulus measures. Such measures may include two aspects:

On the one hand the initiative to relax the muscles, thus reducing muscle tension caused by muscle spindle to the central conduction of nerve impulses. In general, the horizontal static function best to relax muscles. So first, beginners can practice qigong horizontal static power. But beginners as poor self-control, static power in practice when lying down to sleep very easily, so it needs over a period of time to exercise, to right on the sense of keeping awake and sleep in different qigong meditation state.

On the other hand is a good practice to adjust the mental state when:

First of all, to avoid emotion, emotional time when the practice is not into the quiet.

Second, subjective anxious to avoid blindly want to relax into the quiet, anti-caused mental stress, hinder meditation.

In addition to these two kinds of mental state should be avoided, there are three kinds of healthy mental state regulation means can be used to help meditation:

One is to maintain the ease of mind during practice.

The second is the practice used when appropriate way intended to keep. Intended to keep many ways, you can only choose one, you can also use a variety of in turn. Either choose one or multiple, should be "intends, may have no intention," "Do not forget do not help," "Do not corrupt do not seek." And anxious, the intention is too strong, in Qigong, called "pains" is a major obstacle to meditation.

Third, the initiative to use positive means of self-suggestion. For instance, imagine a quiet night, standing on the grass thicket ... ...

The use of these methods may well turn, step by step, not rash. After a certain time of exercise, with the method of skilled, will form a favorable balance of physical and mental condition of self-reflection, then, into a quiet no longer difficult.

Human Alchemy

Since ancient times it was agreed that: give birth there is death, illness and death is a natural law, is no force can stop - and death is inevitable! See black and white human face uncertain how helpless! How the human realm of necessity to ease the Kingdom? In this regard, they did not Huitianzhili human; medicine means in the face of death seems so feeble. The reason is that human life is not what he finds? Life is how to run the truth! Chinese refined gas theory has been completed for thousands of years of life research, incisive account of the various biological reason why humans and the secret of life and death: "Man in heaven and earth, aerial, 4:00 into the law." Prana of the health, prana off it will die.

Modern science has proved that human brain function can only be used in life about 10%, 90% of the brain is not developed; how the brain that are born with adjustments for their own development and utilization of the functions of the body together, is humans can do from the realm of necessity into the realm of freedom must break through the door. Out of the door and you can at any time to adjust to your own body Deficiency and Excess yin and yang, cold and heat of the table. Human body is composed of two parts. "Part of the body, the other part of life." Lifeless shell does not stand life without shell does not exist, although the name of the second one it is. Dead body and life is different from tangible and intangible. "Tangible and intangible body of prana can be interchangeable, the conversion process is the process of prana, prana of abnormal, that is, poor access to imbalance within the prana down, we must produce evidence sick, people should aging, we must die. physical medicine and doctors of the profound to the degree of precision, the invisible part of the 21st century enigmatic human face fundamental issues of human life sciences.

A vision of the physicians believed that "man's brain will become a powerful treatment for their medical tools and medical instruments, medical treatment with the brain is like today's as effective as medication and surgery." The scientist's predictions in many skill and the specific functions with powerful people, and have achieved half. But few people must have the function of more people catch up. The scientists say only half: one brain for their own medical treatment alone is not enough, and only with hand (hand is an extension of brain function), use of hands, brain, ideas and power, the three combined, in order to be successful effect. Brain, hand, power of thought, the three combined surgery with rehabilitation, practice technique, referred to as "human Alchemy."

Human Alchemy is to the human brain, hand, power of thought, the three combined to impose on the human body repair, vertical mixing. Method has been applied to exclude a variety of diseases, restore health, can use their own health and longevity, and youth to live forever, life spacious heaven and earth. This method is the most advanced ancient humans have their own practice technique, using this technology can do, "My fate is not in my day." Human Alchemy in the 21st century the best way of human self-recovery is the best means of treating disease, but also to explore the mysteries of human life, the most effective method. Who can master this method, using the brain, hands, ideas, non-contact force can be measured point, measured the meridian, measured veins, blood and other physiological test run, and more exciting is arbitrary in the brain and treatment, and may amend brain physiological anomalies. People at Alchemy can use a machine the verge of solidifying shell of gas a new look: the body can be refined man-made gas to do up, down, up, into the sport, get through each block of the channel, to promote metabolism and blood circulation. This method can replace human testing Chinese patients with the hope and smell it with the acupuncture treatment, acupuncture technique, massage, massage therapy can, scraping Sha, Chinese medicine with acupuncture and so on through the law by promoting blood circulation, and worse than , and giving of treatment convenient, easy, excellent special effects, since ancient times has never been with them.

"Human Alchemy" is not a general of the Rehabilitation Act. To master the conditions of this method is: The body of refined prana prana, prana, and re-prana, and use God prana stimulate brain cells, brain cells can be used to produce a work of God prana functions. When God prana reaches a certain extent, this function occurs naturally. In the prana in the process of subjective meaning must use to control their own essence and spirit prana prana. Try your own hand pulled out a part of the prana. Over time Tiechu embroidery needle beam mill power to naturally and successfully. Grasp of the human body can always check their own practice technique, modulating its own, then your brain, hands, ideas and power, really prana and used as is your most powerful medical tool is your best personal doctors. Human Alchemy meet medical illness: their own for treatment, any disease is possible; on the other treatments will depend on your ability, size and capabilities, and common infectious diseases, a large tumor, not giving of treatment of advanced cancer. Human body, the mechanism of operation: who is the prana generated, the essence of prana body is in constant motion, the movement of sperm prana always generate prana, prana prana of production machines, prana prana in the meridian plane to promote the fine run in the five internal organs Six Hollow Organs among limbs Bai Hai.

The body's own God prana prana can mobilize in parts of the body (God governing sperm and prana), artificial hands with a brain and the role of ideas in the air force to parts of the body, thus producing prana of being disease-oriented cloud prana prana will be automatically removed from the body, this process is the process of human cultivation. Today's world, human life scientists, on the specific people Explaining unclear, many physicians are on the Renlei disease, the mechanism of interpretation, Yijicaiqu treatment is Na Yang's You gas weakness, Yi Zhi many chronic disease can not be cured, perhaps because of the Ren Ti do not know the invisible part of life, no research. Invisible part of the body of life issues include: What is life? What is the true nature of prana? What is the first and after the naive innocence prana prana? Naive prana how to start and after the application? Really prana is how to run? Human meridian number? How to run it? Each meridian What is the role?

The human body through practicing cultivation technique is to identify these problems from the body, to solve these problems, in order to achieve the purpose of improving the quality of the human body. Thus it is evident, the human part of the invisible life, Jie Mi, will have to shake the Western system of human several theories. Then the human life sciences is expected to reach perfect level. Human Alchemy only long-standing practice in itself, is expected to achieve. What is prana of? Prana prana of the media is beyond naive, with the idea to mobilize real prana in the body for up, down, out into the exercise, the body visible to the invisible cloud of virus into the prana, the process called prana of . Thus making the body reach Shengqingjiangzhuo, physical fitness, longevity purposes. Alchemy is the human body for the media after the naive prana, prana with the brain to mobilize God, hand to brain transfer out after the god prana (hand is an extension of brain function), the role of the shell of a site, and let this part of the prana field strength in the idea, really prana, the combined role of hand to make an up, down, out into the exercise to complete the rehabilitation purposes.

Two-foot personal and important ginseng

Everything between heaven and earth, generally classified into nothing more than moving, plant, mineral three categories. Minerals are "to big" solid nature. Leaving aside. The source of all plant life, all the earth from its foundation in depth from, especially if ginseng root enough, even with the humanoid shape is similar to the invention can be referenced as such.

Man is an animal in to the most spiritual essence of life, people and plants and animals do not go Pangsheng cross the same person is the source of head, head over empty space is like land plants. The human legs feet, equivalent to the top of the end of branches and leaves of plants. Attend sit-ins to work, if the air-flow does not reach the legs feet and legs a little nervous not equivalent to a litter of dead wood, branches and leaves, although the body has not yet Xiu Fu dry, it would be "do not die to be" just After all, not back to life.

If the legs of the Grand Momentum rotation smooth feet after natural straight spine, the hip muscles strong retractable, walking, down to earth like Ling Xu step empty, and even stepping foot touch the earth, as if re-Yan soft bedding, such as feel like the same sponge. If they practice kung fu and martial arts people, this conscious light as possible, such as leaves, the four bodies are only a tiny light and agile feel skeleton exists, only the big toe with one foot, you can site such as nails, natural erect tireless. On the contrary, the case of illness and physical weakness due to people, "nearly die, and Mo has to make Fu Yang." Will also have the same feelings as these can not be wrong from the center of gravity, self-righteous, then big joke.

Talked in front of Connecting "Conception Vessel" and scene of some superficial reaction, not that through "Conception Vessel" all fine shows. In fact, the "Conception Vessel" and difficult to get through, than open up the "Du" is even worse. General to attend the sit-effects, have largely from the "Du" responded more significant phenomenon that, for the "Conception Vessel" really opened up the role, were "evasive" and even, and most had a sense of loss. In fact, Taoism and Confucianism on Chinese Medicine called "Conception Vessel", including modern medicine and self-discipline (self) nervous system, and endocrine (ENDOCRINE) system and the entrails of all the functions. From the get through, "Du" - spinal cord, brain part of the efficacy of central nervous, and then smooth "Conception Vessel", then all the body's internal organs, naturally there is a good change in response to physiological and metabolic shift to promote robust health. Taoist legend, the term called "a pulse pass through when the Lotus", should refer to open up the "Conception Vessel" is concerned Caidui. The "Conception Vessel" smooth all the scenes are hard to make out. Grand Momentum is now temporarily on other points, first tells, or can even explain the contents repeatedly.

Breathing on the practice of Qigong

Qigong breathing, including external respiration and internal respiration. The so-called external respiration is carried out outside air in the lungs and blood gas exchange, also known as pulmonary respiration. Within the so-called cell breathing is the blood and tissue gas exchange, also known as tissue respiration. Qigong in the breathing, the main means to adjust pulmonary respiration. To reach a uniform, fine slow, profound level, the ancients called the "vomit but thin, but rain is satisfied," the point, and then also have a favorable impact of internal respiration. By adjusting interest rates, decreased respiratory rate first.

By the ordinary people 16 to 18 times per minute can be gradually reduced to 6 times, 5 times, 4 times, individuals can be reduced to 1 to 2 breaths. As the deep, slow breathing, causing the upper and lower diaphragm significantly increased level of activity. Practice of ordinary people over time can be increased to 6,10 2,3 cm or 12 cm. Experiments show that: the diaphragm down 1 cm, the vital capacity can be increased about 300 ml vital capacity when seen Qigong is to improve significantly. After some time practicing pulmonary minute ventilation can be reduced 20-30%, while the tidal volume is significantly increased.

78% increase was observed. Alveolar gas composition during exercise increased carbon dioxide, oxygen reduction components. But this is not the body oxygen and carbon dioxide retention, but the unique role of qigong. At this point practitioners not only no sense of oxygen, but that unobstructed breathing, the mind clear and body comfort. Adjusted by breathing directly on the autonomic nervous system also. When the sympathetic nervous system to enhance expiratory pay hyperexcitability and reduce sympathetic nervous system excitability. When strengthening the breathing, the sympathetic nervous system hyperexcitability. This way we can strengthen the inspiratory or expiratory ways to strengthen the regulation and pay the sympathetic nerve sympathetic nerve activity, so as to achieve therapeutic purposes.

As the long, deep breathing exercises during the formation of gate chest pressure increase, natural increase venous return, thus promoting blood circulation enhancement. Also, because the upper and lower diaphragm significantly increased level of activity, will also give rhythm mild gastrointestinal liver and spleen by gentle to improve and strengthen the functions of the digestive tract. After a good appetite successful, as evidenced by significant increase in food intake. Also because of deep, slow breathing form of fine form, quite helpful practice meditation, and strengthening. The so-called "heart rate adjustment will be" is the concrete manifestation of this process. It seems not only by adjusting the interest rate effect on the respiratory system well, while on the cycle of the digestive system and practice meditation and other aspects also have a good effect.

Crack Meridian, qigong password

Standard meridian on the map 14 meridian lines can be found in my body corresponding to the line of touch and pressure should be nervous sexy. Me nervous sexy touch and pressure generated should line is arterial and venous vascular system of neural induction and role of the line. Meridian line as a "path" of each meridian line width of the index finger touch and pressure sensors (the first knuckle) wide (except for all the body joints, hand "From the wrist to the fingertips> palm site, the head ), while the point is a point on the meridian line. Vein and the meridian line of touch and pressure pulse should be felt basically the same neural sexy, different points: a sensor to suppress venous pressure point and then touch the point of 3-5cm from the left point, there is no contact pressure to be sexy nerve; and operation the same way the meridian line of the contact pressure should be nervous sexy.

Touch the same method of operation pressure of yin and yang of each finger contact surface pressure is not sexy to be nervous, but touch and pressure side of each finger touch when pressure should be nervous sexy. Each finger pointing belly belly and feet are obviously nervous sexy touch and pressure should be. Belly of each finger touch pressure pulse obvious phenomenon. The whole ear is only sexy to be touch and pressure characteristics of nerve. Meridians any point in the intensity of the nerve should be the same as sexy. Meridians any point in the intensity of the nerve should be the same as sexy. Break points of many experts the role of mystery and a different point of a meridian line may be similar to the role. Point may be just the "ordinary people" important (sensitive points), and for the height of the meridian through to a certain person may be able to use the contact pressure (or massage, tapping) alternative acupuncture meridians. Contact pressure should be a few nerves sexy call covering the whole hand (from wrist to fingertips ) palm (including the neck and above). The essence of Chinese Qigong: flow of qi. Simply means that breathing movements increase the fitness section of guidance and training method, which sub-junior and senior stages.


On the transfer body and qigong beginners

Qigong practitioners need to tone body, and aligning the interest rate adjustment of three methods to achieve the purpose of training, the current range of various power law, the three position adjustment requirements are complex, varied, at a loss for beginners. In my experience the true practice of body swap to start off my knowledge and understanding, we want to help. After the swap I will talk about my interest, self-aligning (Italy) understanding.

1, adjusting the role of body: the body relaxed in the situation, so that blood pass along the best-selling run by collaterals Road. Practice, the air must speed, air sense.

(1) transfer body is conducive to repose

(2) the transfer itself can regulate the Yin and Yang

(3) adjustable tone body smooth blood

(4) The body can adjust bone with soft tendon

2, transfer the request body: simply "form is, cortisol"

Tone body, that is, adjust the posture of practice, that practice when the line, walking, sitting, lying under the body's posture relaxed posture, is a random qigong posture from head to limbs and even whole body should feel comfortable for the degree. Note must be constantly changing position, so that at the song static nature of the state, so as to help clear the blood, organs function normally conducive to movement.

Qigong posture is the gateway to entry, the door then, be natural inactive, moving from the outside into the inside move, other martial arts, gymnastics class position throughout, and heavy moving out. In short, the former must be gas, the latter no such purpose.

Position that the pursuit of complexity, and the practice should not advocate positions contrary to the purpose. This is causing some people to pose a very skilled, but have gained a sense of the root causes of gas. The key is re-house real, not re-appearance. Code of gas movement in the through position, the blossom should be praised.

3, adjusting body posture:

Zhan Zhuang or meditation for beginners, whether by natural forces (power law, except for specific requirements) better:

Zhan Zhuang: Standing with feet parallel shoulder width, knees peg-leg, head and neck are straight, Baihui virtual leader, mandibular micro-income, tongue flat, light lips and teeth together, Chen Jian fall elbow, armpit unlatched, Han Xiong pull back, waist relaxed, hands hanging naturally at the lateral, binocular head-up front.

Ping Sitting: Choosing the right height stool, chair or bed, one-third or one-half of the buttocks to sit on it flat, smooth; head slightly forward, eyes light closed mouth, upper body upright, virtual jaw neck top, Han Xiong pull back, Chen Jian fall elbows, waist relaxed, two foot, the parallel separation of shoulder width, knee joint was 90 °, fingers loose show, palm down, placed on the thigh. Footing for the sitting of the most commonly used. In addition to extremely weak constitution who can not sit level, it is generally in good health and chronic disease, can be used. Frail elderly who may rely on sitting, horizontal alternating application.

4, posture essentials and principles of: (a number of power law, Cheats is not or do not speak, you may be finding out)

In addition to the above requirements, also called "stretch between the eyebrows, smiling." This is the body to relax Dafa, we can try. As for other effects, to a certain level of know.

Standing with feet parallel shoulder width: preferably slightly wider than shoulder width. This can remain stable (plus hint "I do not move"), to avoid the phenomenon of a few people there since launch.

And bend knees: Many people do not grasp this point right effect. The correct way is the pine stand straight, the buttocks as bench Which will lead to virtual sit, focus on your heels, pointed toes, but before the knee (body good people can be lower Pile). And sitting in a chair, like one-third of the buttocks, there is a role - bright open "will Zhiyin" anal contraction (high-level requirements, especially in the esoteric, there are strict requirements, many power law is do not speak as Cheats , the principle and effect is now do not speak), we try. The best tip toes deducted.

Head is straight neck, Baihui virtual leader, mandibular micro-income, Han Xiong and back, Chen Jian fall elbow, waist relaxed ... ...: These are designed body is required, relaxed to enable smooth flow of air route. If done well, will reflect many unusual, not normal to reflect the corrected also gradually disappeared.

Palm down, placed in the thigh: this requirement can be based on specific circumstances (many people use this method of gas being strong), which is equivalent to "end fingerprint", which is a five-center gas production method.

In the course of practitioners should be ready to adjust your posture is correct, such as feeling relaxed, such as the switch turned, shook his shoulders, loosely waist ... ....

Other people their own experience.

Pat Fitness Therapy

By: beat, in the qigong exercises, often as a secondary function of some power law, in fact, if there are steps and continued beating the whole body, can play a unique health effects, specifically as follows:

Flap head and neck stand or sit in a chair, eyes flat as the front of the whole body relax, Chen Jian fall elbow, and then raised his arms flapping head and neck. The left side of his left hand tapping, right hand tapping on the right. Starting from the back and neck, gradually beat up, has been photographed forehead. Further back from the forehead flap, until after the neck. Repeat this 5 to 8 times the number of number of silent heart, the spirit of quiet, breathing naturally.

Bad mood because of sadness and depression made in the left hemisphere thinking part of the pleasurable emotions in the right hemisphere regions, to beat the gradual active when the dominant right brain hemisphere, and gradually suppress the activities of left-brain, it can eliminate negative emotions , makes emotional stability. Treat headache, dizziness, and lack of cerebral blood supply, for middle-aged are brain and enhance memory function.

Pat chest and back should take off the winter coat. Take standing posture, the body naturally relax, and then make a fist with both hands and a half. First beat with his left hand and right chest, then his right hand tapping the left chest. First top to bottom, then bottom, left and right chest 200 times the tap to shoot so after beating the chest and then back. Hand is still half a fist, then the first left hand out into the back post to tap the right, then left back, right hand tapping, tapping each side of the 100.

Chest and back have a rich chest wall nerves and spinal nerves, the control of human motion and cardiopulmonary function. Beat back chest harness can stimulate the skin and subcutaneous tissue, promote blood circulation to speed up the body through nerve conduction, and enhance endocrine function. Can prevent coronary heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, pulmonary heart disease, emphysema and muscle dysplasia.

Stand pat waist and abdomen, whole body relaxed, his hands half-open fist or fingers Stretch, and then turn around the waist. With the waist movement, also followed the two upper lashes. When the waist to the right rotation, right hand drive left upper limb and abdominal flap. While the right hand to right waist flap. About this repeatedly, palm or fist consciously tapping the waist, abdomen, on each side of the flap 200.

Beat both upper right arm with his left hand tapping, right hand tapping the left upper limb. Beat when thoughtful, all around the upper film times, usually on each side flap 100 to 200, can prevent or alleviate the upper extremity muscle hypoplasia, upper limb numbness, peripheral cyanosis and hemiplegia, etc..

Beat or riding in the chair stand shoulder, tapping the right shoulder with his left hand, right hand tapping the left shoulder, beating 100 times per side. Can prevent shoulder pain, sore shoulders, shoulder and other lung atelectasis.

Beat both lower extremities is sitting in a chair, first beat the left leg, left foot on the low stool, relax the entire lower extremity. Top to bottom with both hands, from the inside out, from bottom to top, from outside to inside, from the thigh to the calf to beat, and then shoot right leg pulls. Generally beat 200 times each. Can prevent age-limb numbness, increase metabolism, on the hemiplegic limbs has some therapeutic effect.

Double tap on the lower limbs and shoulders, can promote blood circulation, relieve muscle tension, so that the local joints, especially the shoulder, elbow, wrist, finger, knee and other joints are suitably relaxed. Vibration generated by the beat wave and shock wave can be transmitted to the deep muscles, thus promoting blood circulation, increase flexibility of blood vessels is beneficial to muscle strain, cervical spondylosis, arthritis prevention and treatment.

To beat the fitness therapy should be aware of the following questions:

1. Beat to relax when the body naturally, do not stress, neck chest very straight, breathing steadily, remove distractions.

2. Hard to beat when appropriate. Should light upon the weight, the first slow after the fast, speed is moderate, not excessive. The diseased joint muscle force can be slightly larger office, could be slightly faster pace. Action to beat the chest and abdomen slightly when the light, do not remake heavy hammer, anti-damage internal organs.

3. Flap should be gradual, sustained, comprehensive and thoughtful, not the East about the West look to random pat. Beat the best arrangement in the morning after.

Kidney Gong Tai Chi Chuan

Note: This kidney exercises is famous Mr. Li Baoliang Taijiquan secret secret of health law, action is simple, appear to be normal, but mastering the meridians of which may have "kidney of Jun Meng, the rapid physical, no out the right "of the function.

Gong movements: upright, legs separated and shoulder width, arms held straight on, cross at the back of the head, then lower abdomen slightly forward, hands stretched up as far as possible after the pressure, all the forces, ideas concentrated in the lumbar spine. Then the power to issue from the lumbar spine, so that the maximum curvature of arms to both sides of the body from the back of the head pressure down, while squatting, hands between his knees finally cross. Ideas focused on the end of the first 5 seconds, feet, heels, not from the land (under the pressure in the arms to the side, the arm is not so little power, is back in full force). Stand up again when the first ball of your foot hard, as the starting energy; followed all the power of ideas once again concentrated in the lumbar spine, his legs do not use a little strength, and gradually stand up. Hands had been cross, straight from the front to the back of head (head and body during standing feet, the belly forward, the body arched).

Breathing technique: breath throughout the body squat, body up to stand up the whole process of breathing. Breathing a little breath for two seconds when switching (the best method to use abdominal breathing). How long practice should be based on individual body to not feel fatigue is appropriate. After training, many people will feel backache, need two hands clenched Kong Quan, lightly beat the waist.

Two minutes will usually practice whole body slightly sweated and soles, fever. Some people will burp, fart. As for the long-term effects, we feel it themselves. Such as abdominal pain, backache and other symptoms, can be slipped massage complex, too river cave, quickly resolved. If we practice together with the foot stand, would be fantastic.

What is difficult, but also what is called the secret! Many people have such a sigh. But that is indeed the Heart, just like Columbus can egg on the table as simple. Is a sheet of paper, but for most people, it is always a mountain.

Q: squatting should be in the end it? Or Dundao can squat? Throughout the process, not to shake hands with only his arms on the cross-bar

A: The two-step way: one, standing, squatting, then standing. The whole process only waist and foot force, and not to use the legs. Second, arms folded on the move too far from the back of the head to the side legs separated, the process also used waist power without arms and shoulders. Hands never cross (if not understand this sentence, she bought a chest, pull it from the back of the head, it felt to find). If you read only one step, the first training step. Can also come to understand according to your own practice, not rigidly stick to the end thus truly become your own things.

Soongorica hand mining Qigong

Editor's Note: The filling of gas-work method to keep fit. Primary function within the main charge of gas penetration, can rapidly produce gas Spontaneous handed sense. Training soongorica their hand, the finger can look inside the red to purple, black, shape, thicker, and sometimes hard abnormal, sometimes tender, such as cotton. Relatively weak attempt, it can feel a certain attraction or repulsion. To further enhance the air inside can be the basis of qigong practice adopted.

Successful method is:

1, preparation style:

Upright, feet shoulder width with separate, toe grip, Han Xiong abdomen, whole body relax. 2 Wei Bi, leaving a thin line of light, watching tip of the nose, tongue touching the upper palate; exclude distracting thoughts. Focused thinking, with the nose of natural breathing.

2, gas:

Weak attempt at a relatively vertical. Department placed around his chest 33cm, vertical left palm up, right palm parallel to the ground, palm down. Spontaneous correction of the left hand right hand, then start with the left hand from the sun, moon, forest, blue sky around the target such as pre-gas recovery. Breathe in, imagine around the purity of the air slowly taken into the palace workers. Palace is a vision of labor while the sea, and each finger is such roads rivers, rolling east, and merged in the sea.

Posture change, back view, eyes closed. Rub both hands, gently press is the eyes, the silent few heart beats 81 times. Then relax ideas, slowly closing function. Effect: mining practice qigong, consciously significant intake workers sense Palace, before the suddenly cold turns hot, then heat swollen labor Palace, Palace Office workers trapped a little nests Micro.


(1) gas production could not be intended to keep pubic region, or to adopt into the gas into the navel, you can only keep workers Palace.

(2) Adoption of qigong should be the primary function had finished in the red sand after the hand, so the body really is irritating not to mix, resulting in gas block so bias.

(3) gas production should be in the fresh outdoor air, quiet place.

Kuanyin Lotus lose weight in sitting

Kuanyin Lotus in sitting for a weight loss qigong often practice this power, remarkable weight loss.

(1) sitting cross-legged, man to his left leg on the following (female opposite), on the right hand below left hand (female opposite), hands palms up and gently placed in the lower abdomen before the hands

Arm relaxed on the two right hamstring, the chest containing, shoulders relaxed, natural droop. Position completely at rest, a little straight back.

(2) I Weibi, tongue lick on the palate, eyes Wei Bi, thought highly concentrated on breathing, that is intended to keep breathing, smiling, thinking of the most pleasant thing in mind, hold 10

Sub-happy state of mind, put into practice.

(3) require respiratory nasal snorting, breathing can not make themselves heard his breathing and consciously direct lung meticulous and long, leisurely take a deep breath. Respiration

Naturally, there is no obvious chest rise and fall. This is about 5 minutes, then entered the second phase, that is conscious conscious breathing to breathing (exhale as scattered as the body shelf). When the air after every call, inspiratory free to smoke, that is, consciously call, unconsciously absorb. This way, for 5 minutes, and finally the third stage,

Natural breathing phase. Training lo minutes.

(4) receive power: first, do not open their eyes, raised his head, rubbing his hands with more than 10 times, and then wipe her face more than 10 times, then opened his eyes, his hands stretched up, 伸腰, deep sigh a big breath, then two-handed sub- Opening.

Qigong has a good

First, modern medical research that Qigong has the following main functions:

Enhance brain function: experimental studies have shown that in practice relaxing into the quiet, the practitioners in the α wave EEG amplitude increased gradually by the occipital lobe to the temporal spread. Decreased oxygen consumption per unit of time than the normal person awake by about 16%, while normal in sleep, the oxygen consumption per unit of time less than 10% of the awake state, indicating that Qigong exercise sleep better than the rest . As the α wave is reflected in the cerebral cortex of the wave suppression, so a wave amplitude increase and a tendency to spread, indicating Qigong exercise can reduce or eliminate the cerebral cortex of various adverse stimuli, regulate central nervous system, promote the cerebral cortex and the body organs are nursed back to health improve the memory capacity and develop intelligence.

Adjust the system functions: Practice has proved that Qigong exercise on the prevention and treatment of hypertension or hypotension, tachycardia or bradycardia, high blood sugar or low blood sugar, hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, etc. have a role in disease, indicating Qigong Exercise on the system hypoxia.

Promote blood circulation: Experimental studies have shown that a long period of Qigong exercise can not only enhance the heart function and promote a large circle, small cycles and microcirculation blood flow, but also can reduce the number of capillary vessel shaped blood vessels, indicating Qigong on cardiac vascular system has a significant impact. Practice has proved that practicing Qigong, the feeling of limbs and body very warm, slightly sweaty, pain symptoms were relieved, were indicative of Qigong can promote blood circulation, the prevention of coronary heart disease, cerebral arteriosclerosis and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease and other blood circulation disorder symptoms have a good effect.

Reduce energy consumption: Experimental studies have shown that exercise can reduce the energy metabolism of different levels, so that the human body from the "energy" state into "storage" state. Study found that after practice ATP content of human blood was significantly higher than the exercise, the average increase of 0.54 × 10-4M, instructions and training support functions within a storage function. Therefore, the fitness function among regular exercise to reduce energy consumption, increase energy storage is beneficial to health care, anti-old age, longevity.

Second, traditional Chinese medicine study that the role of Qigong in the following areas:
Dredge the meridian: meridian qi of the channel is, the meridian is not General pain, blood in the organs tissues and organs are not nourished and warmth will lead to a variety of diseases. Qigong exercise can promote the meridian channels, reduce or eliminate disease. Many comrades have this feeling after practice many uncomfortable symptoms have improved.

Qi and blood: Blood is the body of nutrients, if insufficient blood can lead to anemia or malnutrition, decreased immune function, resulting in many of Xu Zheng: If qi stagnation and blood stasis can lead to blood running barrier, resulting in many real disease . Qigong exercise can not only benefit qi, qi and blood can prevent and control disease in many Xu Zheng, and real.

Balance of yin and yang: the body's yin and yang imbalance in many diseases are caused due, the relative balance of yin and yang must be kept. If yin and yang imbalance, it will generate yin, yang Yin Sheng, or there is Weak of, yin yang and other bad diseases. Qigong exercise can balance the yin and yang, yin and yang imbalance can be improved and the elimination of various diseases.

Uphold: centralizer is one that can support healthy practices, the occurrence of disease is mostly associated with the real evil is false. Is false is the lack of essence and blood and organs dysfunction, evil indeed is the cold Shushizaohuo six evils of the evil invasion. Qigong exercise can help righteousness, but also eliminate the evil, so can control many diseases Xuzheng or real disease.

Third, the Chinese Qigong studies suggest that the role of qigong have health care.

Qigong exercise can promote the body essence, qi, God continually filling treasures to achieving progressively the full fine, air feet, San Want. Refined gas sufficient organs tissues and organs are functioning, San Want the brain and immune function in healthy and vigorous. Qigong exercise, disease can be fit and healthy, the sick can cure patients, ultimately health care, the purpose of aging and senility.

From participating in the practice of Qigong exercise situation, people participate in the main purpose of Qigong exercise are: physical fitness, disease prevention, longevity, development of intelligence, and character cultivation. To sum up, ultimately to achieve health care and aging and senility. Therefore, Qigong is one of the most popular sports, has a broad mass base, more and more countries and all aspects of attention.


Healthy smile from the heart Arcane

Saying goes: "Wear a smile decade," or "unhappy smile solution." Laughter can play happy end, and clear the blood, it can enhance health, to resolve the disease. People would laugh, introduced here two kinds of wholesome laughter.

The first laugh, laughter is the outer edge of the trigger. This smile, everywhere in daily life, is in the face of external stimulation generated. Therefore, we can say that laughter is a passive laugh. Although this caused by the outer edge of laughter, mental and physical health of the people have some benefits. However, the effect will not last long. Another point to note is to remind everybody, laugh should be some restraint, not excessive. Otherwise, it will be detrimental to physical and mental health.

The second laugh is a smile. This is a heartfelt smile, an easy, pleasant of smile. If this can keep a smile on the role of health illnesses are incredible, and give people a good impression, help to improve relationships.

The following specific practices will be written by a smile, for reference or action: sitting or Zhan Zhuang type: 2 Wei Bi, and muttered: "ease of mind and heart smile." Spontaneous smile himself, first heart issue, then forehead asked, face and launched, without exception, with smile deep. Then, a careful understanding of this spontaneous smile. Sustains a certain time. At the same time carefully understanding: from the inside out, top to bottom, from the brow, around the chest to the navel the difference between inside and outside, are all in a comfortable smile. As long as continued in this delicate feeling, it shows you are doing so.

Kuanyin Lotus lose weight in sitting

Kuanyin Lotus in sitting for a weight loss qigong often practice this power, remarkable weight loss.

(1) sitting cross-legged, man to his left leg on the following (female opposite), on the right hand below left hand (female opposite), hands palms up and gently placed in the lower abdomen before the hands

Arm relaxed on the two right hamstring, the chest containing, shoulders relaxed, natural droop. Position completely at rest, a little straight back.

(2) I Weibi, tongue lick on the palate, eyes Wei Bi, thought highly concentrated on breathing, that is intended to keep breathing, smiling, thinking of the most pleasant thing in mind, hold 10

Sub-happy state of mind, put into practice.

(3) require respiratory nasal snorting, breathing can not make themselves heard his breathing and consciously direct lung meticulous and long, leisurely take a deep breath. Respiration

Naturally, there is no obvious chest rise and fall. This is about 5 minutes, then entered the second phase, that is conscious conscious breathing to breathing (exhale as scattered as the body shelf). When the air after every call, inspiratory free to smoke, that is, consciously call, unconsciously absorb. This way, for 5 minutes, and finally the third stage,

Natural breathing phase. Training lo minutes.

(4) receive power: first, do not open their eyes, raised his head, rubbing his hands with more than 10 times, and then wipe her face more than 10 times, then opened his eyes, his hands stretched up, 伸腰, deep sigh a big breath, then two-handed sub- Opening.

Weak constitution Exercising

This method is often exercise can alter the body's physical weakness, are presented below:

1, first the body was lying flat on the ground plane board, will be relaxed slightly bent legs, feet lying on his side into the outer eight shaped, and separately with the body width, so that the waist closely aligns the ground, his hands may be in the chest or abdomen . Then take a deep breath, use of waist, abdomen forces the legs parallel to the upward tilt (heel off the ground four inches or so) during free breathing and hold with the idea of the abdomen. So keep this position as long as possible (about two minutes or so to support), until the waist could not help but get bent out of the ground up.

2, when complete this action back into the ground with your legs, you think blood churn, and waist and abdomen will become very fulfilling. Anxious not to get up before this time, still maintaining the original position, so that the waist closely aligns the ground, Push up hold abdominal and raise as much as possible. Then took a deep slow call two or three minutes, then got up and felt blood heal.

3 workouts: first to a daily morning and evening, after the can gradually reduce the frequency and extend the interval of days.

4, Function: This method makes the essence of the human body, air, blood becomes strong enough together to enhance the body's immunity and resistance. For those who are common diseases caused by blood gas weak: If dizziness, weakness, body pain, insomnia, sexual dysfunction and other diseases, can play a radical improvement in the effectiveness of recovery.

5, Features: general can be divided into three stages:

(1) of excited - as weak in the "hungry" state, so it feels particularly evident;

(2) calm down period.

(3) adequacy of - the body's blood gradually.

Simple daily practice law

1, eye function

First: to remain vigilant on the surrounding environment, rapid response. If in a public place to observe the target population, and attention to his moves, when it made a gesture, you have to respond (such as the silent "ah"), to gradually improve their response capacity, and can make judgments for or robbed of their actions in response to his gesture before. Over time, you will get amazing powers of observation and response capacity. Second: Let companions gesture to do something fast to you the corresponding response. Such simple exercises can improve your powers of observation and sensitivity. Third: in an instant see the license plate numbers of vehicles sped, sped the vehicle or object within the observation window to exercise eye.

Second, balance

In the chat, or other person standing, to cushion heel and rotation exercises. When walking alone, do spin moves and jump step or in the air, or do one leg independent action. Regular exercise can improve ankle flexibility and strength, and its own balance.

Third, static muscle function

Free, whether standing, walking, combined with breathing exercises to relax the muscles. Practice when a bear (to muscle tension, breathing) a song (to relax muscles, breath). Over time, you can send an instant explosive increase capacity and improve the speed of movement.

4, means the power

Idle hands, hold the pressure force, or pinching the ball, the long run, may increase that force, wrist, wrist flexibility and strength improve.

5, fast walk

In their daily lives should be fast walk, walk a little farther ahead of places, but also fast moving. As long as every day, waist and feet can give appropriate training. Can often hiking or climbing stairs, etc..

6, chest arm strength

Idle hands relative with heart full push-pull; or two-handed fist, fist full interaction with the surface relative push. Over time, it could improve wrist and arm strength.

7, shoulder abdominal

In others, can be both hands on the railing behind him, on the back of the abdominal muscles at the same time expand the campaign received, so that the upper arm muscles with comprehensive activities; in the office, you can idle hands to do will hold down the stool or abdominal push riding support.

As long as we can make good use of every practicing good opportunity for sustained, continuous exercise your body, strengthen willpower, will be able to have trained an excellent effort.

Wolong basic health Gong

Taoist practice to use more horizontal power, Wolong law is one of them. It is a specific position to mobilize the body's infuriating fast hair growth, operation, and perfusion, those who have enhanced the frail body, nourishing the nerves, strength training, health illnesses and effect. To do the following:
1. Preparation type: Nature supine, legs straight, feet shoulder width distance, his hands placed on the sides of body, palms up, eyes Wei Bi, knock teeth 3 times.

2. Dragon wagging tail: breathing, forced the two toe hook to the head, homeopathic hard abdomen, while we expected with both feet inside the kidney

Hook upward to the chest, then move still, breath think of the kidneys 6 seconds species. Then exhale, double toe Bengzhi, while the body

Relaxation reduction. Inhale and exhale as a second, repeated 49 times.

3. Golden Dragon Walks: think of the Renduermo (before and after the body midline), the human Poucheng symmetrical halves. With the suction right side of the right shoulder and right hip led him move, while driving his left shoulder and left hip down left side, we expected, "about two half-length in the plane formed by the Renduermo a look at each other on the friction." Expiratory action opposite (left from right down). Action with

Breathing up and down, to slow coherent, always double knee extension. Inhale and exhale as a second, repeated 49 times.

4. Dragon into the sea: with the right hand middle fingertip gently point Shenque point (navel), on the right middle finger with the suction force by vertically downward point, imagine the right middle finger points vertically down along to the Vital Points (2 lumbar spine Under the conflict), the concept of breath Vital Points to 6 seconds. Then relax with the breath to restore. Inhale and exhale as a second, repeated 49 times.

5. Dragon bath: Click with the right hand thumb pointed in Shenque point on (the thumb positioning fixed), while the other refers to the friction force open the lower abdomen along the Conception Vessel down, and then return to Shenque point of friction, ideas concentrated in the friction parts up and down to 1 second, repeated


6. Dragon playing with a pearl: ① 11 male testes hard right hand to seize the rub, such as palm turn fitness ball as he can bear the force size to subject, repeatedly for about 1 minute. Then straighten hard homeopathic scrotum, testicles pulling a circular motion, good or poor turn 49 laps each. Ideas always concentrated in the testicles. ② 11 women cover their hands were in the **** on the heart, the left hand counter-clockwise, right hand rotating clockwise while a little hard **** 49 laps, then the left hand clockwise, right hand counterclockwise rotation **** 49 the same circle, ideas has always focused on ****。

7. Golden Dragon Hui Gong: right hand finger gently on Shenque point, and then reverse, or clockwise rotation in the fingers slightly, liked fingertips emit a light plane circle drawing in the belly while the belly and Vital Points of experience reaction. Breathe naturally, repeated more than 3 minutes. Most people can sleep without sleep, press law to continue.

8. Auxiliary Law: any sleeping position, body relaxed, breathing naturally. Then quietly contemplate Wu Lei "H ... ..." sound, and with the Curse of sound ideas, "as if the body dissolves into Emmanuel Reiki group", the time limit up to sleep.


The basic interpretation of Chinese Qigong

Qigong (prana power) Qigong is the Chinese people unique to Chinese medicine theory and the content of the core guide is the "mediator of God" in practice.

Qigong has a long history in China, the contents of qigong is often called in ancient medicines, guidance, Qi, convinced, alchemy, monasticism, meditation and so on. There are few records in ancient books, "qigong" word, and occasionally a "qigong" formulations, there is no complete explanation.

Until 50 years of this century, Liu Guizhen in the "practice of Qigong Therapy," a book written: "The 'gas' the word, here on behalf of the meaning of breathing, 'power' words is to constantly adjust the breathing and posture exercises ... ..." General that "Qigong" word has since been identified and spread. Some information will be translated into foreign Qigong "deep breathing exercises in" some country is also true copy books, apparently did not realize the true meaning of Qigong, in fact, Qigong, including breathing, body potential, ideas three means, each means of another There are many training methods, take a deep breath just one of many ways a breathing exercise. Can be seen, the definition of Qigong as "deep breathing exercise method", is too one-sided the.

In fact, the ancient health home that "prana" and "gas" are two different concepts. Popular talk, "prana" is the body's innate energy first, and "gas" refers to breathing and eating through the day after the energy generated. The qigong exercise is mainly acquired through breathing and other methods to connect birth "prana" to achieve the health fitness, longevity effect.

From medical point of view, if the definition of Qigong: Qigong is a self-training through the transfer of God, to become its own air-coordinated training methods.

With the advance of science, we can use modern scientific knowledge to understand Qigong, it will be more substantial deepening of our understanding of qigong.

From the perspective of modern behavioral medicine, Qigong is a kind of behavior conducive to positive physical and mental health to learn training, the ultimate way to fix the conditioned behavior therapy.

From the qigong role psychophysiology process to see if can be qigong is defined as: mainly through the use of self-implied the core means to promote awareness into self-hypnosis, through the mental - physical - forms of self-adjusting mechanism to adjust the physical and mental balance, to Fitness training method of self-healing purposes.

The birthplace of Chinese Qigong

Qigong originated in China. Qigong has a long history in China, the contents of the ancient qigong is often called tuna, Qi, cloth gas, convinced, guidance, alchemy, monasticism, meditation and so on. Qigong Chinese classical theory is based on fitness-cultivation of Chinese medicine theory, since the ancient times that is in circulation. Qigong part of the original called "Dance", as "Lu" called "bones Huddled not reached, so as to public awareness of dance." Spring and Autumn Period, some qigong are summarized in the "guided by Rocker" at home. TCM book "Yellow Emperor" record "marshal world, grasp the yin and yang, breathing fine air, independent obey God, if a muscle," "refined product to give full," "spirit ghost" and other cultivation methods. "I" in reference to "or boo or blowing" the gateway to Gong. "Chuang Tzu" is also "boasts breath, spit it Na new, bears extended by the birds for life just say. People in this guidance, support form the people, Pengzu Shou Zhe Zhisuo good test also" records. Changsha relics unearthed in silk "is Valley Fresh Air Chapter" and color painting on silk "guide map." "Fresh air is Valley chapter" is to introduce the method of breathing tuna mainly works. "Guide map" called the first qigong map, which painted the 44 images, the ancient people used Qigong disease control itself.

Intended to keep Xujing class Gong

That the idea of a focus on body parts to make it into the practice of static methods. This method, as agreed within the Code is divided into pure ideas intended to keep, keep three kinds of Italian SG. Keep that in turn a blind eye as the Italian curtain, with domestic as between guarded. Such as those who keep the pubic region, currently under conversion to a bead as below the umbilicus; pure idea that is simply intended to keep keep on with the idea somewhere; SG mind concentration that is forward looking eyes slowly closed, eyes recovery, ideas followed adduction ideas and vision into one, this is called "SG." In terms of content intended to keep interior can be divided into mind concentration method (such as keep a part of the body), mind concentration location method (such as flowers and trees, clouds sunlight), mind concentration meditation words or syntax (such as the Buddhist twist beads and mouth chant Amitabha), meaning the law will help rule out the use of distracting thoughts, to meditation, so emotional consistency, and promote aggregation of gas and run. Intended to keep the point is that like keep unofficial, the intention should not concentrated light, otherwise it will lead to deviation.

Abide by a law - the law is the Gong Taoist practitioners favorite one. . Observe a so-called, is intended to keep a specific training method is: first study of this function are generally more supine or side-style, sit cross-legged or sit on a natural stand or hold abdominal standing, light eyes closed, ears do not listen, reject all distracting thoughts, the idea of a site focused on their own. Generally intended to keep the pubic region is most commonly used, or from the intention to observe the Zhiyin or Tanzhong etc. started. Practice, the natural nose breathing mainly after long practice skillful use abdominal breathing. Practice posture is no longer limited. When the exercise they got their strength Chong Sheng, the general chronic diseases can be made at unconsciously disappear, even if sometimes inadvertently illness, but also intended to observe self-treatment of patients Department.

Shou Xuan White Act - This Act originally contained in the Northern and Southern Hongjing the (true Patent. Xiechang period, "Xi said that the Department of the Eastern Jin Chuan Yang. Concrete practice it is: a daily early morning to noon time, or sitting or lying informal, exist would like to own Niwan in black gas, heart, white gas, umbilical in yellow gas. three colors of gas, such as clouds dispersed, shrouded body, then imagine that the mere mention of the three flame, burning all over the body, making body outside a brightly lit, and finally convinced 120 receive power. original power law requirements, this law will be required to practice fasting six meat, Wu Xin of taste, ban sex life.

Qigong conditioning lung cancer patients

Qigong therapy can dredge meridians, qi and blood flow, mediation emotions. Qigong practice's physical recovery of lung cancer benefit. Practice methods:
(A) supine adjustable rate
Sit natural meditation, weak attempt at overlapping pillow behind, one leg straight, one was 60 to 90 degrees flexion, closed eyes, look straight up, mind concentration on the navel, tongue touching the upper palate, cleft lip and closure does not seem close, regulation of breathing (about 8 to 10 times, 1 month after 3 to 4 copies).
(B) the sitting rowed
Take seats, meaning keep the navel, the two hand Kong Quan held elbow to the ear of Qi, and then push forward stretch, breath, feet hard, and then handed back to the ear, suction, heel force. I Weibi, visual front, breathe deep, for 10 to 20 times. Training to a certain point in breathing associated with articulation (call time Oh, when the Hi absorption).
(C) protrusion spring squatting
Take squatting, Chen Jian fall elbow, Han Xiong abdomen, two upper limb flexion light fist, put on the outside of both knees, knees squat, mind concentration in the navel, both hands up immediately Stretch to shoulder level, palm light, taking advantage of the 2 heel squatting immediately jump from the ground floor leaps and rapid breathing, breath slowly restore (with nasal breathing), respiratory ratio of 5:1 or 4:1, per minute 5 to 10 times jump squatting .
(D) Dunqi limb development
Take legislative position, standing with his legs apart shoulder width. Two head-forward, chest, abdomen, hand fist placed on both sides of his waist, meaning keep the navel to toe running turn a small circle, I Weibi nasal breathing, his arms swing around the turn. 8 Step 1 Step 1 interest rate, or 4 per minute to run 30 to 50 steps to 10 to 15 minutes is appropriate.
(E) breathing down
Relaxed standing, meaning keep the pubic region with their hands before gently from the body while breathing in, holding to the highest point when the head and neck back off, after absorbing enough air slowly handed down by the lateral and squat, call gas, to be hand-up to the pubic region before the time to repeat an action, for a total of 5 to 10 times.
(F) receive power
Standing, tap the upper and lower teeth 36, and then swallow the saliva three times, this predicament can be repeated three times for any mobile. For weight training, should be from 15 to 30 minutes.
(7) Other
Position open, to stop the freedom of Zhan Zhuang, may be able to sit or horizontal. But any natural relaxed posture requirements, 2 Wei Bi, tongue touching the upper palate. Facing the West, ruled out evil thoughts, ideas flow of milk bath to the body or body lying on the pool bath, mind and body relax. Slow average, slender to imagine when the "loose" character, followed by gradual depression stomach, loose anal, ten toes are relaxed. Breath control to 10 to 12 times per minute. Repeated 30 to 40 minutes, and finally mind concentration lesions, meditation "tumor disappeared," 30 to 60 minutes, received power.

Chinese Qigong treatment of diabetes

In recent years, many reports at home and abroad made use of qigong treatment of diabetes effects more satisfactory, especially elderly diabetes better. Clinical and experimental studies on the endocrine system that qigong has a direct or indirect impact on the improvement of clinical symptoms, lowering blood glucose and urine have a role. Beginners should pay attention when practicing the following:

(1) pine static nature. Do feel stable, comfortable position, relax the body after the adjustment of breathing.

(2) emotional consistency. When that practice activities with ideas to influence the breathing, progressive ideas, activities and atmosphere to the operation of mutual coordination, respiratory activity was slow with the idea. Natural quiet in the loose premise, gradually absorbed the soft breathing exercises have long, such as "Spring Silkworms spinning", rain, continued.

(3) dynamic and static. Partial static qigong, but also with other physical therapies such as tai chi, aerobics and so on. Only movement combined to complement each other, so the real balance yin and yang, qi and blood, and clear the role of the meridian.

(4) gradual. Practice by themselves, only persistence and patience in order to gradually achieve the proficient level. Begin training at the time can be shorter, then gradually lengthened, and can be added to the 30 to 40 minutes, 1 or 2 times a day.

Qigong therapy increased

(A) increase of Qigong Therapy
1, stop increasing qigong stance, feet shoulder width, hands placed on the thigh on both sides of the natural droop, head back straight, stretch up the body first, then start the body to relax into the qigong state. 2 Wei Bi, natural breathing, think of the endless universe, the essence of Reiki to the body absorbing, full of their own bodies. Then add your own ideas form a long, elongated neck, chest stretch, thigh extension, the body length. At the same time with Anjin, gently stretch your neck, chest, abdomen, pelvis, thigh, calf, repeated ideas, repeated gentle with Anjin. After about 5 minutes, start to relax from head to toe. Relax, then concentrate on their thighs, think of your thighs white, stretch. At the same time to meet with Anjin stretched to their view. The more you use 5-10 minutes to view their height to the height of their expectations, if you want to grow to 1 meter 80, you think of the tension through their own, his body has reached this height. Then the whole body relax, think of the vast expanse between heaven and earth, leaving only yourself, you stand a smile. Received power: think of your essence to the universe of white gas to recover the body, closed body every pore. Open your eyes, body tapping 1-5 times.
2, horizontal power increased supine on the bed, legs with feet close together and your hands naturally on the thighs on both sides, body relaxation, breathing naturally. Think of your body in a vast expanse of the earth, and then his body will slowly melt into a vast expanse of the gas, and then view it like this piece of gas slowly gather together to form the one you want to achieve their ideal height (if you want to grow to 1 meter 80, you think of your body has reached the height) and this ideal has everything you want to have their good and advantage, and then relax, relax the body, this their ideal shape, shape. The more successful closing 5 minutes and then fall asleep naturally. If the practice of sleep, better, just get up after a few minutes think of your stereotypes.
3, sitting height increased power options and their appropriate stool to sit down, feet shoulder width, leg and thigh at right angles, hands naturally on the legs, the back first and pulled up slightly hard look to make it the natural extension straight, and then maintain this state, eyes closed, begin training. First, relax the body, making the body into the best qigong state. Concept to a mass of red and white cross brilliance rotating around your body up and down and watching a group of white light beam to head up tension, at the foot of a mass of white light beam down the stretch, while their so Anjin, elongated their bodies to achieve their own wishful height. Every 10-30 minutes. Over several power law, the practice every day before going to bed to get up again horizontal, morning practice again stop, choose a relatively spare time to practice sitting for more than 20 minutes, or select only the increased power of sitting twice a day morning and evening practice, there increased the potential of young people will be effective 15 days or so.
4, running higher power in peacetime walked to add more a concept, a group head light beam to straighten up his body, steps before the step at the same time think of your long legs left behind. Not only will you walk in the body-type appearance, will play a higher role. Note: The walk two steps to maintain the rate of second best.
(B) increased the exercise therapy.
1, the former kicking martial arts basic skills by practicing law before the kick, the only difference is that toes do not bite, over and over for 10 minutes.
2, after the kick to select a rod or wooden posts. First grasp with his left hand, right leg straight after the rejection after the force, 5 minutes after the right hand grasping his left leg replaced with rejection, but also their 5 minutes.
3 days, feet and hands shoulder care-width, body relaxed, natural breathing, natural hands drooping on the sides. Inhale, lift your hands around level, exhale, decentralization, training a total of 49 times. Then inhale, hands above his head from both sides, with Anjin opened the body, relax your hands breath delegation, a total of 81 times.
4, 伸腰 encourage your feet shoulder width, legs straight, breathing, body Qian Fu, try their hands touch the ground; breath, stood up straight, 49 times. Then inhale, lean back, breath; restoration of vertical, 49 times.
5, Mogao Mogao feet up off 24 times as much as possible, about the 24 foot jump.
(C) can be increased several traditional qigong. Many friends also hope to obtain other benefits through the practice, in order to make your training function to a variety of purposes, I would like to recommend some I've seen the internal strength of the higher effective power law, which not only increased, but also puzzle, also can be therapy disease.
1, facing the wall squatting wall power, it is fairly obvious the role of the spine of tension and the body can be adjusted all the unmentionable disease, and dislocation. Only exercise too much, enough is enough.
2, Yi Jin Jing, not the kind of martial arts, but the world often face the kind of health, countries have special studies have described its good for young people increased, if you can find it, you can choose to Professor Zhou Miaofeng kind of, if not easy to find, the National Sports Commission is also currently promoting the kind of effect should be good.
3, cinnabar palm, this is the best I've ever seen on the higher good power law, not the letter you thought they knew, you saw the power law will know why I would strongly recommend it.
4, Qigong. Stretching the body to adjust its role is quite obvious, unfortunately it requires groups to practice, if pupils can not adjust the time, but can not deny the intelligence of every move for every type Qigong is the essence of Chinese traditional guided surgery where each action has its specific purpose. In addition to stress that meditation should not be increased. If you want to increase, it is best not to practice meditation, if you must sit, and preferably on the bench.
Fourth, increased attention to other matters
(A) increased their habit of eating
1, on the increase of harmful foods. Sugar content is increased too much food the enemy. Milled rice, the smart side, dessert, cola, fruit juice, will hinder calcium absorption. Salt to too many fried foods are also detrimental to increase.
2, on the higher good food. Should eat more protein, matte brown rice, beans, shrimp, shellfish, beef, chicken, liver, dark-colored vegetables.
3, chewing food thoroughly beneficial to eat something to absorb nutrients, we must pay attention to. Attachment:
A, Japan increased the recommended recipe
a, daily two bottles of milk (300 ml bottle)
b. fish, especially sardines
c. 100 grams of spinach every day
d. 100 g of carrots per day
e. two oranges a day
B, newspapers and magazines on the board before a number of such ads, said a farmer found a place with some food can be increased together. This recipe was sold on your hundred dollars, cheaper to sell two or three dollars, then I own an online prescription for arthritis treatment and a change to the users of this recipe looked quite disappointed. In fact very simple, that is, raw carrots, fried beans with a different food. How effective is, I never tried, are interested in to see your eat. But to tell the truth, carrots and soy foods really are higher. (B) associated with higher body.
1, help increase the body first: straight up, to close the jaw, shoulders and waist were stable, the body center of gravity horizontally heels. Chest: chest and abdomen, so that flat belly back: natural is better
2, is not conducive to increasing the body first: protrusion of abdominal too: chest concave, protrusion of the abdomen completely relaxed back: extreme bending
(C) the advantages and disadvantages of the increased movement
1, is conducive to increased exercise, swimming, dancing, gymnastics, volleyball, basketball, tennis, short distance running, skipping, climbing and so on.
2, is not conducive to increased movement of weight lifting, mechanical gymnastics, wrestling, marathon, soccer, rugby and so on.

Gateway to the ancient Chinese breathing exercises and

"Yellow Emperor" has a lot of aftercare breathing methods, such as "ancient naive theory" says: "tranquil nothingness, infuriating from the." "Breathing fine air, independent obey God." Attaches great importance to breathe luck.

All of our history, focus on the interest rate adjustment method - breathing gateway to the power law nursed back to health. Qigong is a kind of intention to transfer gas-based health approach, of course, modified atmosphere and tone shape, tone of God are inseparable.

As early as the Warring States period, there is "Qi Ming jade." 1975 Mawang Military Governors to explore the tombs discovered, there is a 12 rod prism surface first (see figure). In the second area, a total of 45 engraved characters, chronicles the "Qi" of the essentials, which is currently found in our earliest records relating to qigong.

Interpretation of well-known historians, according to Guo as: "Qi, the depth of build, build the extension, the arm, the next is scheduled, will be the solid, solid is sprouting, sprouting is a long, long while back, back the day. Chung in the last few days, in the next several Chung. Soon the students, against the dead. "to the effect: when the gas line to a deep breath, accumulate in the gas increased, and then bleed under the extension, pause, meaning solid and gas in the lower burner; and then slowly exhale, such as the grass of the bud, up long, and the next stretch of road opposite the exit, and retreated in excellent shape; that is slowly exhale, the belly of the bad smell until all the spit up. In this way, the secret will be moving upward, moving down to machine it. Along this line for the students, against the visit of the dead.
Northern and Southern Dynasties Liang Hongjing that "sixth tactic":

"Qi of a person, that smoking also; expiratory six persons, that blow, call, Hey, oh, boo, Chi, are also ... ... perverting the treatment outlet, in order to blow hot, call in to the wind, Hey to bother , O the following gas, boo to the exterior, to relieve recorded very 。"--" Prolonging Life "

Northern and Southern Dynasties Liang Hongjing that "sixth tactic." Hongjing is not only a famous Taoist practitioners, is a famous Chinese physician. He collected and the Northern and Southern dynasties before the discussion of the health, bringing together a "Prolonging Life record." Which records a sixth tactic of breath method. Suction only one, there are six kinds of breath. When the breath is issued six different voice: blowing, call, Hey, oh, boo, Chi. Six different voices can be used to treat diseases can go blowing hot, calls can go to the wind, Hey you can go to trouble, oh can lower gas, Hush can and cold, possible solutions to the most. Heart disease, body with hot and cold, can blow air out of the second call; lung disease, mediastinoscopy fullness, can be used out of Shi Qi; spleen disease, upper body wind, body itching nausea, can be used out of gas Xi; liver disease , Chou You are not happy, can be used out of breath. Later dynasties have tips on account of the sixth, in the pronunciation and the sixth co-ordination with the internal organs on a number of developments.

Keeping the Spirit Song Chen made seven straight method. Chen Zhi in the "pro-life pension book", said: "One who, less language dependent infuriating. Two, quit lust, raising refined gas. Three, thin, sweet, nourishing gas. IV who swallow fluids, keep dirty gas. Five persons, Mo get angry, Liver Qi. Six persons, festival food, Stomach and gas. 7 persons, less thoughtful, nourishing the heart qi. "here refers to maintenance of seven types of gas, is not simply to raise gas by breathing, but the combination of the tune of God, adjustment. Help keep breathing air is not only the tone, but also from all aspects of people's lives with the conduct, the only way to master the methods of raising gas, gas by raising the essence of the purpose to illnesses and sickness.

Taoism's "inner alchemy power," in Keeping the Spirit also has a very effective method.

Abdominal breathing the essentials and the role of
Exhale briefly mention the perineum (the lower abdomen adduction, levator ani contraction kidney), diaphragmatic up to an aggregate of exclusion;
Inspiratory light together lips, tongue touching the palate, relax perineum, abdomen natural uplift.
Breathe deep, thin, smooth and long, to strengthen the respiratory function, and promote the pulmonary circulation, while strengthening the abdominal self-massage, to improve the abdominal cavity of blood circulation, increased gastrointestinal motility, to enhance food digestion and nutrient absorption in Consciousness is active expiration, breathing naturally relax the nervous system to achieve maximum relaxation.

Error detection method qigong exercises

Qigong deviation is qi imbalance of yin and yang balance, qi gather in body parts and place a variety of difficult self-control of the abnormal response to common performance:

① wrap, such as headache, such as hoops, such as ballast, or the head of a part of numbness unbearable.
② There was a strange feeling the heat flow interference, endless day and night, or stay on top of the head, eyebrows, chest and abdomen, lower back, etc., or fled to a certain point, the wind pool, hundred and so on.
③ dizziness, lightheadedness, Touzhang, two feet, such as riding a foam pad, or top-heavy, groggy all day long, trance, Yao Yaoyu down, some people were accidents.
④ chest tightness, chest pain, chest congestion feeling greatly reduced appetite, nausea, retching; palpitations, sweating, appear premature, emission and so on.
⑤ distracting thoughts troubles, anxiety, insomnia, some serious, some drowsy sleepiness, forgetfulness slow.
⑥ unsteady gait, body shaking, ambivalent, Qian Fu back, dancing, could not control, or even involuntary trembling for several hours. When practicing qigong qigong deviation occurs when found, should immediately stop practicing doctors and Qigong masters to help correct.

Knowledge of health qigong

1. Qigong source term

The first from Jin Xu Xun's "religious Lang recorded net"

1953, Liu and Jane "Qigong Therapy Practice"

Three notes: aligning the interest rate adjustment tone body. The three elements of Qi Gong. Innate sense of God, also known as yuan, also known as knowledge acquired awareness of God

2. Qigong features: 1. Play exerciser awareness initiative 2. Breathing, body, mind combination of exercise

3. Psychosomatic view of 4 with the practice as a whole. Mobilize and nurture the potential of human physiology

3. Glossary

1. ZHOU Tian: Taoism Zhou Tianhong Zhou Tianhong, divided in size, small heavenly circuit line is Rendu 2 pulse; Great Heavenly Circuit is a personal line of 24 meridians and the odd pulse all-pass, just feel the air in the body to run, call it for the meridian ZHOU Tian, video to the meridians, acupuncture points and inner light, interior, Zhou Tianhong line can really pass that, this is called Dan Tao Zhou Tianhong.

2. Endoscopy: practitioners will focus on their own thinking inside the body, until can see all kinds of images, called endoscopy, physicians called "back view", commonly known as "enlightenment", as well within the You can also see the scene outside the body.

3. Ideas: that knowledge of God, that is, thinking the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow awareness, conscious, and referred to as thought or consciousness.

4. Sex: that God, soul, that innate ideas, innate sense of light consciousness, subconscious, Taoism that the navel is the soul of the home.

5. Life: that element refined, innate essence; if gas, God used together may be referred to as the fine, the Taoist view that the pubic region is the essence of the reservoir element.

6 .. entrance: by the innate mind into thinking the day after tomorrow the moment. Because access is difficult a priori thinking, but also internal organs during cultivation very critical step, so seniors will practice at home the moment described as an extremely difficult to exceed this mark.

7. Dan: Heavenly Portal practitioners began to open, you can as to the body like a day in Kisaragi, such as beads, such as powder graphics, the graphics is Inner alchemy, commonly known as Dan, Buddhism as a relic Pu Tizi.

8. Life alike: practitioners have or while practicing their own sex (God) and life (fine).

4: Qigong comes from when - in 1975, painted pottery found in Qinghai, the pattern, this pattern for the practitioners Zhan Zhuang positions, about 5,000 years of history.

5. The concept of Qi Gong and Qigong

The concept of power - Qigong aligning adjustable rate notes themselves into one of the physical and mental training skills. Heart notes are in the interest rate adjustment in qigong school called the "three notes." One Heart is the regulation of mental activity; adjustable rate is the regulation of respiration; stressed that God is the body's posture and movement control. The purpose of speaking from the Qigong: Qigong is based on disease prevention, health in sickness, for the purpose of the development potential of a physical and psychological training methods.

Qigong: is fitness for the purpose of a more gentle form of activity-based, physical and mental state tends to adjust the interest rate adjustment Heart of God-one of the sports program.

6. Fundamentals

1. What is a holistic view of human life?

Is the overall integrity and unity. In traditional Chinese culture, the whole concept of human life is the unity within the human body and the nature of the unity of opposites, that the human body is an organic whole, the human body with the outside world, including the social and natural environment on the close and inseparable Contact This not only emphasizes the unity within the body, but also to the concept of the unity of the human body and the outside world, known as the holistic view of human life.

2. Holistic view of human life, the basic idea of what?

(1) human life form the unity of the three gas God, gas is a living force, invisible gas, which flow in the body weeks, resides among the body, by God, the three combined into an organic whole. (2) everything in the universe are invisible from a basic material and the composition of gas accumulation are forming, gas dispersion is invisible. (3) and closely linked to the social environment, human life movement and the social environment, as well as his own closely related to social practice.

3. What is the concept of Heaven? What is the relationship between man and heaven and earth?

Heaven is an ancient Chinese philosophy. Heaven concept that people are part of nature, man and nature (earth) constitute an integral whole.

Relationship: specifically, that there are three relations, one of human physiological processes and the nature of the movement and change there is a synchronization relationship; second man and the natural world with the constraints by the law of yin and yang, and follow the same laws of motion and change; third person and the natural world have a common material basis.

4. Heaven Outlook on Health Qigong exercise any significance?

(1) Qigong exercise we have to study the variation in nature, but also of my actual situation. (2) combined with their own physical and mental condition and the nature of the changes of the means to exercise choice, site, content, time, intensity of exercise capacity; to not only adapt to changes in the natural world they adapt themselves to yin and yang, physical and mental condition, to achieve harmony with nature itself state.

5. What is the yin and yang?

Yin and Yang theory is the ancient Chinese culture, an important theoretical basis, contains the rational kernel of materialism and dialectics, is the traditional Chinese medicine and health one of the basic theory of operation, the original meaning of yin and yang is the sunlight of support or opposition, the Japanese as the sun, back on to overcast, later extended for the warm climate of the cold, the azimuth of the upper and lower, left and right, inside and outside the movement state of restlessness and quiet so that all the phenomena of ancient thinkers have both positive and negative, on the use to the concept of yin and yang to explain the nature of two kind of unity of opposites and mutual growth and decline of physical strength, and that the transformation of yin and yang of the unity of opposites and the fluctuation is inherent in the thing itself, and thus that the unity of opposites yin and yang, and the growth and decline to transform the basic law of the universe.

6. Yin and yang theory of qigong exercise on the guidance?

First, who guide the exercise of the three transfer operations; second guide training election workers who Tolerance; third debate when those who guide the training exercises; four debates to help patients practice disease.

7. What is the five elements?

The original meaning of the five elements and five material related to five soil material is Muhuo Jinshui five basic substances. Therefore, the five elements means Muhuo Jinshui five substances and movement of soil changes.

8. The relationship between the five elements?

Five grams of good health between the insult relationship.

9. What is a Meridian?

Chinese medicine, meridians are running blood, contact the viscera, communication up and down, inside and outside the network regulating the body functions, by means, in turn, contact is the collaterals, the human body through the meridian system and complex intersection of law, the internal organs, limbs, Bai Hai, features Jiuqiao, skin tight muscles and other tissues and organs into an integrated whole, thus ensuring the orderly harmony of life activities of human normal.

10. What are internal organs?

Internal organs are dirty like that Chinese summary of human internal organs. Among the five internal organs including the liver, spleen lung and kidney, with the role of biochemical and storage and Manner is the most important body system. The Six Hollow Organs include the gall bladder stomach, small intestine large intestine triple burner and bladder, are digesting food and excreting waste transfer the role.

11. Triple burner is what?

Triple Burner is a medicine doctrine specific terms, into the coke coke coke collectively under one of six dirty. Is generally believed that the triple burner is cover all the body organs of a big Fu, dirty body part is divided into the basic concept that these sites were the focus of the phrenic, including: heart and lung; diaphragm below the navel or above the site is in focus, including the spleen and stomach; navel The following is the next focus, including the large intestine, liver and kidney bladder. Triple Burner is the function of the Directorate General of human gasification, also of Water Valley, to run channel liquid water.

12. What is the six disease?

Obscene, excessive, or even meaning too. In the nature of the cold medicine Shushizaohuo six climate change under normal circumstances is called six gas. Six gas in an extremely abrupt changes in risk factors could be next, now that six evils. Six disease attacks the body, causing external diseases, so called six evil.

13. Six disease pathogens common characteristics?

First, with the seasons. Windy diseases, such as spring, summer and more Shubing, long summer humidity disease, fall ill more than dry, cold winter of many diseases; second, six disease pathogens can be combined, while invasive. Such as the cold caused by colds, rheumatism, paralysis caused by disease, heat easily diarrhea; third, six disease pathogens can be transformed into each other, such as cold pathogen into the run-in can be dry heat Shushi injury; 4 is a common way to six disease pathogenesis muscle infiltration by the table or nose and mouth, so we should pay attention to the body, according to the conservation of different seasons in order to avoid infringement of six disease.

14. Meridian Theory in Qigong application?

Chinese believe that meridians barrier is fraught with problems, there is pain is blocked, General is not pain, blood in the heat is OK, Yuhan the condensate to say, so smooth in practice through the meridian system fight disease. Specifically, mind concentration points or make some part of the body heat, so smooth the meridians, the organs and maintenance. In addition, meridian in the limbs, body parts through the exercises can be stretch, stretch pull, rotary screw, winding and self-massage to stimulate the meridian points, thus achieving the purpose of disease prevention and control organs, four sets of Qigong has carefully such a role.

15. What are the impassioned people?

Chinese people's joy, anger, the sorrow, fear and panic Concerned spirit of the seven categories of emotional activities, collectively known as the seven emotions

16. What is the five workers and injured seven?

The so-called emperor after five workers said that the "long as the injury of blood, a long injury lay gas, sedentary flesh wound, a long line of injured tendons," so-called seven wounded, the general theory that is mentioned in various pathogens Hou's "grand injury spleen, large and anger against the liver, a strong weight lifting, sedentary wetlands, harm to the kidneys, lung injury in cold drink, sad mistake of sad, rain dew form injured, large sections of fear does not hurt Chi, there are seven major injuries because of the impassioned argument had wound five organs .

17. What is the scientific way of life?

World Health Organization concluded the world, after the latest achievements of preventive medicine in 1992 published the famous Victoria Declaration, the Declaration noted that the four cornerstones of health as "a reasonable diet, regular exercise, smoking cessation limit alcohol, mental balance," the 16 words It is the most scientific way of life essence description.

18. Why Qigong is a scientific way of life?

Qigong is the basic purpose of air conductivity and so, so soft chin; basic characteristic is fixed in static, dynamic and static; basic requirement is that labor is not so great. Intensity of the exercise and exercise evaluation criteria is slightly sweating without asthma; through practice exercises and can be achieved by improving physical fitness, enhance internal organs function, to relax, the purpose of eliminating fat, showing that Qigong is itself part of scientific life in the way students - regular exercise, and because the overall tone photo, internally and externally to the practice, in improving physical and mental health aspects of the human body has its unique features.

19. Why Qigong help lift the unhealthy habits?

Health Qigong exercise for people, because it is starting from a long and healthy life, so his regimen Xing Wei special attention that their physical health after Chongshi can not only Shuli health Guannian, access to health knowledge, health practice will conscious De Jin Xing including: mental adjustment, adjust diet, living a regular, moderate work and rest, food and medicine simultaneously, intercourse with restraint, smoking less wine, while avoiding disadvantages and ethical conservation and so on, practitioners are often more strict with themselves, this undoubtedly help us to develop good health habits.

20 steps and methods of teaching Qigong?

The first step: the basic routines and master the power law running routes

Step two: skilled and precise movement control

The third step: a coherent and coordinated for practitioners

Fourth step: focus on breathing and movement coordination

Step five: understand the mood and spirit of power law